APRIL 17 2015

In April 2015, the NDSU Department of Mathematics organized a series of mathematical activities for our community, tying into the National Math Festival, which was celebrated in Washington D.C on April 16-18 and organized by the Math Sciences Research Institute, the Institute for Advanced Studies and the Smithsonian Institution. 

During the weeks of April 6-10 and April 13-17, mathematics faculty and graduate students visited 51 classrooms at eight local elementary and middle schools, conducting fun, grade-appropriate mathematical activities. In addition, all area K-6 students were invited to come to the NDSU Math Fair on Friday, April 17. Below are some photos from the event.

Fish koch
Math Fishing Bingo     
Making a Fractal Snowflake

 Can you find the area of this dinosaur?
Candy permutations

Create your own mosaic
Tic Tac Toe on a Cylinder: 4 more ways to win!

Write in code to your friends!
 Math Fair Classroom