My Friend, A Word

Read Tony Hoagland's poem, "Dickhead."  Then:

1)  Make a list of your favorite words, or of special idiomatic expressions you find yourself using frequently, or of expressions which irritate you or amuse you.

2)  Pick one.

3)  Write a poem about that word.

"As long as there is desire, we will not be safe."

1)  Make a list of politically incorrect words, expressions, and actions.

2) Read Tony Hoagland's poem "Adam and Eve."

3)  Write a poem about some politically incorrect word, expression or action.


Read Tony Hoagland's "The Replacement."  Then:

Rewrite the poem.  Keep the first stanza as-is, but change the word "brother" (line 2) to "sister." Change also "with the brain of a man" (line 3)  to "with the brain of a woman."  Rewrite the remainder of the poem as you believe is appropriate, given the new beginning.

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