What a Character

Really good stories are not all PLOT. Their action and themes are closely bound to, if not driven by, complex and believable characters. The aim of the following questions and exercises is to help you make one of your characters more ROUND, 3-dimensional, fully human and real. They may help you to improve a figure who has already appeared in your writing, or to help you just get started on a story. (Note: I suspect most fiction writers discover their characters as they write their stories, and that their characters may even remain somewhat mysterious to their authors, but the following questions might be of some help regardless—or if you feel stuck.)

1) Write out a one-paragraph, descriptive sketch of your main character, focusing primarily on how this person is DIFFERENT from other people.

2) Answer at least 3 of the following question-groups. Your responses should be well-developed, believable, and consistent.

3) Choose 2 or 3 of the tasks below and write out a detailed response.