Community Events


As part of your introduction to what writers do, you'll attend two outside-of-class literary events (best would be a reading, but a talk or workshop may also be appropriate), worth 5 pts. each. I'll announce events as I learn about them, but it's primarily your responsibility to find out when and where such events are held in our community and the Tri-College universities.

Following each event, you'll write a brief reflective essay. This piece (1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced, and stapled) should do the following:

  1. summarize the event with plenty of specific, concrete, descriptive detail;
  2. reflect on the event's significance to our class, your writing, your understanding of literature, and your experience of the literary world. Avoid judging the event ; I'm mostly interested in what understanding  you gained about writing and writers.

Audience and Purpose: these reports are for your instructor. They are intended to show me that you've made an effort to participate in relevant events which are ever-ongoing in F/M or any community. They are also meant to show that you've reflected on those events and their significance to your own work.

Evaluation criteria: in addition to heeding all instructions given above, each of your brief essays should include a heading which reads, "Community Event Reflective Essay." Provide well-developed and focused paragraphs, and be sure your essays are edited and proofread for lapses in clarity, style and mechanics.

Due date and penalties: Community Event Reports are due in my SE 318 mailbox or in a labeled box on hallway floor by 5pm, Friday, May 2nd. Any material turned in after 5 pm will not be accepted except in cases of documented emergencies or illness.




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