End of Term Instructions, English 323, Spring 08


The following course items are due by 5pm, May 8th. You can put them in a labeled box in the hallway outside of SE 318 (English Annex), or in my mailbox, or on my desk, or under my door.

1) Final Course Materials


à    Your poetry projects. You don't need to give me anything for #3, since you'll have performed the piece in class. (You can, however, include some version of #3 in your chapbook, if you wish.)

à    Your chapbook.

à    Your reflective letter. Include this (loose) in your chapbook.


IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR WORK RETURNED TO YOU, DO THE FOLLOWING: include a self-addressed and self-stamped manila envelope. (Use your home address.) After I've scored your work, I'll simply send it all home to you. If your chapbook is too unwieldy to be mailed, I'll hold it for a couple weeks into Fall semester, after which time I'll use it to make a bonfire in the hallway and roast weenies.

2) Department Assessment Materials


 Keep these separate from other course materials (though you turn them in the same way).

à    Your chapbook contents (you don't need the full production, just the basics stapled together: title page, contents, poems and/or stories).

à    Your reflective letter to me, your Writer's Link report, and any other semester materials which will provide the assessors with writing in at least three genres.

à    A manila envelope enclosing all materials. Just put your name and the course number on this; no address.




And, hey!! Hope you all continue writing. There was some good stuff turned in this term.  In fact, you might consider taking the Creative Writing Studio course, English 423, next Fall. It's advanced creative writing and only offered every other year.


You might also consider swapping email addresses and staying in touch with each other.  Form a writing group and meet weekly to continue sharing your work…




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