

We'll complete a variety of short exercises and activities throughout the term, intended primarily as writing prompts as well as ways to practice particular skills. These will just receive a check-minus, check, or check-plus in my book. This record, however, will give me a view of your participation in the class, as well as your interest in improving your work. An especially strong or weak showing in these "weekly work" assignments may affect my judgment of your chapbook, especially in borderline cases. Activities may include weblogging, small group exercises, Poetry on Wheels submissions, brief reports, and a spoken word performance in front of the class and class visitors. In short, this daily work will be extremely varied. Expect the unexpected.

Missed weekly work can be made up within one week of its assignnment. If you miss an assignment or if you cannot meet an assignment due date, contact a couple classmates ASAP for full instructions, then turn in the completed work with a note explaining what the assignment was and the date it was originally due.



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