Creative Writing II Schedule, Spring 2008

Installment #2


Following each date below are reading or other assignments due for that day. In parentheses are tentative activities and topics for the class period. If you miss a meeting, you should 1) get full notes and updates from several classmates; and 2) check with me again if you have specific, informed questions. Because this schedule is very flexible and subject to change, and because it's a workshop course, it's vital that you attend regularly and keep up with current announcements.


Week 10, March 18/19 —Look over Poetry Project #1. Print out poems by Roethke, Bishop, Pinsky, Neruda, Merwin, Simic, Edson, and Ponge.

(Discuss Poetry Project #1. "The Thing Itself" exercise and first set of readings. "The Luminous Object" exercise and second set of readings. Surrealist games in WIKIPEDIA. Workshop.)

Week 11, March 25/26 —Review Poetry Project #1 and look over the following:

Bishop childhood poems

Pinsky's shirt poem

Collection of animal poems

Blackberry poems

Also look over Form and Poetry packet and Poetry Project #2.  Print out Bidart poems.

(Go over Luminous Object results, and continue discussion of Poetry Project #1, then transition to Project #2: form and personae. Workshop?)

Week 12, April 1/2 —Print out and read Short Poem Samples and Poetry on Wheels. Print out Kooser short poems.

(Draft for Poetry Project #1 or #2 due—your choice. The short-short poem. Poetry on Wheels. Workshop.)

Week 14, April 8/9 —Read Poetry Project #3. Research slam and open mic performances in F/M area. If you'd like to do the visual option for Project #3, you should begin investigating and working on it ASAP.

Do not commit your poems to pages alone, sing them I pray you. —Virgil (qtd. by Amos).

Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.—Hermann Hesse (qtd. by Amos).

To read a poem is to hear it with your eyes; to hear it is to see it with your ears. —Octavio Paz

(Begin work with Project #3. The oral tradition. Possibly view and discuss video segments: SlamNation. Reading Ginsberg and Ferlinghetti to Miles Davis.

Ferlinghetti's "I Am Waiting"

Ginsberg's "Howl"

Spoken Word Revolution samples: click here.

Listen to disk:

#13: Williams, "Amethyst Rocks," p. 55-57
#16: Alcott, "Television," p. 70-71
#32: McCarthy, "Careful What You Ask For," pp.155-156
#36: Moossy, "What I Said to the Man Installing the Hot Tub," pp. 145-146
#34: McDaniel, "The Foxhole Manifesto," pp. 163-164
#26: Holman, "Disclaimer," p.168
#29: Mali, "How to Write a Political Poem," pp.174-175
#43: Mortensen, "Weekends," p. 204
#46: Smith, "Pull the Next One Up, pp. 128-129

Workshop. For more info on the spoken word movement, click here. )

Week 15, April 15/16 —Explore visual and new media poetry links. Click here for Writer's Link Report instructions.

Click here for Writer's Link proper.

(Planning the chapbook. The visual tradition & special web presentation. Rehearsals/performance tips for next week. Writer's resources and your Writer's Link reports due in hardcopy. Workshop.)

Week 15, April 22/23 —(Intensive workshopping. Begin performances.)

Week 16, April 29/30 —

(Tues. class will meet to complete Poetry Project #3 performances. any remaining workshopping, and course evaluation.

Wed. class will meet in Library Weber Reading Room for first hour to hear Northern Eclecta seminar. Tues. class is invited also. Everyone who attends will receive extra credit.)

Mon., May 5—Wed. class will meet on this date for Poetry Project #3 performances and final workshopping. (Tues. class will not meet on this date.)


Chapbooks and any remaining projects, extra credit, or other materials are due in my SE 318 mailbox or in a labeled box on hallway floor by 5pm. Any material turned in after 5 pm will not be accepted except in cases of documented emergencies or illness.


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