Three Hard Sonnets


If you can buy all those groceries
why do you wear those clothes?
the woman said.

The phone rang:
If you answer our
question you can take a trip.

What do you think of me? said
the gambler telling me
his life.

Are you lost asked the policeman.
Why don't you smile.


She said, Sometime I'd love to talk with you.
He walked out the door without saying good-bye.


I parked in the driveway.
Getting out I glimpsed the body
of a tall Indian brave
framed on the floor of the station wagon.

Another time one of those big family dinners:
we invited Uncle George
and he hooked over the table
from his seat at is head.

She sewed me a red dress but said
finish this hem,
I'm going away.

An old corpse of myself obstructed
the stairwell.  I covered its face
with papers and books.


Proof! proof!  It sounds like something
going up in smoke, abracadabra
smoke, producing
the answer to nothing.

At ease! at ease!  You must look
at ease.  There are places for nervousness:
stand trembling over the wastebasket
till anxiety falls in.

Beautiful! beautiful!  I have no
big toe, no knee.
Compliments buried them
as well as insult.

Ok enough, enough, wrap it up.

--Sandra McPhearson