Poetry Projeck

Due date: _______
Points postible:  25 (25% of semester grade)

Choose an' complete two of th' follerin' opshuns.
 Opshun 1:  Doomed Republics 

Write a free vahse poem about some significant, puzzlin', o' otherwise intriguin' event, varmint, o' thin' in yer chilehood, cuss it all t' tarnation.  Rely almost exclusively on concrete language an' images, lettin' th' details speak fo' themselves.  Do not edito'ialize about yer subjeck o' explain it; simply dexcribe o' reenack as accurately an' as vividly as yo' kin, usin' yer senses.  Avoid sentimentality.
 Opshun 2:  Th' Snowflake Which is Now an' Hence Fo'evah 

Pick a poem fum our text o' han'outs, memo'ize it, an' recite it t'th' class.  (Jest let me knows when yer ready t'do this, an' I'll find a few minutes of class time fo' yo'.)  Th' poem yo' seleck muss be at least 14 lines.
 Opshun 3:  In Mah Craf' o' Sullen Art 

Write a sonnet, a sestina, o' a villanelle.  Or write a poem in blank vahse, at least 25 lines long, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells!  (See Fo'm an' Poetry.)
Opshun 4:  In Mah Craf' o' Sullen Art (II)

Make up yer own fixed fo'm fo' a poem, limitin' yo'seff in terms of at least four of th' follerin' items:

1) number of lines per stanza
2) rhyme scheme
3) pattern of stresses in etch line
4) pattern of syllables in etch line
5) repeated wo'ds
6) repeated lines
7) man'ato'y wo'ds o' phrases

Fust dexcribe th' rules of yer invented fo'm, then write a poem acco'din'ly.
 Opshun 4:  Melodic Trains 

Write a poem made up of only one sentence.  It sh'd be at least fo'ty lines long (preferably mo'e), an' haf at least five syllables (preferably mo'e) per line. Use cornvenshunal punckuashun an' syntax.
 Opshun 5:  whut eff'n a much of a which of a wind 

Write a surrealist poem, dawgone it.  (Use class notes an' dig up some info'mashun on library day t'he'p yo' write sech a piece.)
 Opshun 6:  whut eff'n a much of a which of a wind (II) 

Write a narrative poem .  (Use class notes an' dig up some info'mashun on library day  t'he'p yo' write sech a piece.)
 Opshun 7:  Baffled Infatuashuns 

Write a poem in varminta:  adopp th' "max" of some chareecker an' speak a poem in thet varmint's voice.  This hyar c'd be an histo'ical, literary, o' mahthological figger, a present-day public figger, a close varmintal acquaintance,  o' someone completely imaginary.  Or try writin' a poem in th' voice of someone of th' opposite sex.  Try t'sinsyarly imagine yo'seff into this hyar other varmint, but try also not t'be obvious o' predickable.  Attach a note t'yer poem wif a li'l info'mashun about th' varminta yo' chose.
 Opshun 8:  Th' Trimenjus Country 

Take one of yer already-completed free vahse poems an' rewrite it wif completely diffrunt line an'/o' stanza busts.  (Yo' might try completely arbitrary busts, as fine as busts which adhar t'some definite principle.)  Refleck a bit on whuffo' yo' busted th' lines th' way yo' did in th' origeenal vahshun, then cornsider whut this hyar rewrite does t'he'p o' harm th' poem, dawgone it.  Han' in both th' origeenal, th' rewrite, an' a sho't pareegraph discussin' whut happened t' th' piece in its noo vahshun.

 Opshun 9:  Noo Media Poetry 

Instruckshuns a-comin' soon! Fry mah hide!

 Opshun 10:  Eff'n Writin' Poems Is Not Yer Cup of Leaves 

Pick one of th' poets in our  text o' han'outs who interests yo', then hoof it to th' library an' dig up some info'mashun on this hyar writer.  Write a one o' two-page repo't  summarizin' his o' her life, writin' career, an' notable wawks.  Try t' say sumpin about whut this hyar poet is known fo', an' how th' poet's wawk influenced other writers.  Include as fine some comments about whut yo' reckon is valuable in this hyar varmint's wawk.  Creditcher sources an' avoid plagiarism, dawgone it.

Extry credit: Fo' 1/2 point etch, identify th' source fo' enny of th' opshun haidin's above.  Yo' muss include autho' an' title, eff'n applicable.  (Hint:  most is lines, phrases, o' titles of literary wawks.)

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