\documentclass[12pt]{amsart} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage[all]{xy} \voffset=-1in \hoffset=-1in \textheight=10in \textwidth=6in \begin{document} \author{} \title{Math 724\\Fall 2005\\Homework 5} \date{} \maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} \pagestyle{empty} \centerline{\it Due Wednesday November 30, 2005.} \centerline{} \noindent 1. (5 pt) Show that if $R$ is a domain in which every nonzero proper ideal is a product of a finite number of prime ideals, then $R$ is Dedekind. \centerline{} \noindent 2. (5pt) Show that if $R$ is Dedekind, then every ideal can be generated with 2 elements. \centerline{} \noindent 3. (5 pt) Show that $R$ is a Pr\"{u}fer domain if and only if every two-generated ideal is invertible. \centerline{} \noindent 4. (5 pt) Show that if $R$ is a Pr\"{u}fer domain, $\mathfrak{P}\subseteq R$ is a prime ideal and $S\subseteq R$ is a multiplicatively closed set (not containing 0) then $R_S$ and $R/\mathfrak{P}$ and Pr\"{u}fer domains. \centerline{} \noindent 5. (5 pt) Show that if $R$ is a Pr\"{u}fer domain, then $R$ is a PID if and only if $R$ is a UFD. \end{document}