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Rangeland Ecology &
Natural Resource Management

Amy Ganguli, Ph.D.

Message to Prospective Students


Research Interests
I am a rangeland ecologist, studying interactions among plants, soils, and animals.  Uncovering the mechanisms that drive ecosystem structure and function is necessary for addressing important natural resource management issues. Among the most pressing of these issues are plant invasions and loss of ecosystem function and structure.  Understanding the mechanisms determining the success of plant invaders, invasion resistance of plant communities, and plant community responses to disturbance will lead to effective strategies for maintaining and restoring ecosystem structure and function.

Graduate Students

Please contact me if you would like to visit about research ideas or what a M.S. or Ph.D. graduate program would be like at NDSU.  If your interested in working with me you can receive your graduate degree in Range Science or Natural Resource Management, which is an interdisciplinary, cross-college program.  My research and work experiences have been rather broad so I am willing to entertain a broad array of research questions.  However, if you have research interests associated with invasive plant species, restoration ecology, or disturbance ecology I particularly encourage you to contact me.

Undergraduate Students
If you are interested in conducting an undergraduate research project or if you would like to obtain research experience contact me.  I am always looking for motivated students to work part time during the academic semester and full-time seasonally. 

Clipping biomass on an site invaded by cheatgrass (Thunder Basin National Grasslands, eastern WY).Bitter root (Lewisia rediviva) on a post-wildfire restoration site (Glass Butte, west of Burns Oregon).Measuring infiltration rates post-wildfire using a mini-disk infiltrometer, near Snowville Utah.Sagebrush and shadscale saltbush north of the Great Salt Lake (northern Utah)

Research Group


Where We Work



Contact Info.

Interested in working with me?  Click here for information on graduate and undergraduate opportunities.