Human Genetic Screening

Firas M Abu-El Samem


  1. AHFMR News letter. 1995. Gene screening. Obtained from
  2. Biosis home page .1995. What is genetic screening . Obtained from :
  3. Macer , D. 1990. Shaping genes : ethics , law and science of using new genetic technology in medicine and agiculture. Obtained from :
  4. Risch ,N. and Merikangas, K. 1996. The future of genetic studies of complex human diseases. Science 273:1516-1517 .
  5. Rubin , R,1996. Do you have a cancer gene . US. News and World Report. p (67-77 ).
  6. Russell , P.J. 1996. Genetics. 4th ed. Harper Collins Collage Publishers.
  7. Yanchinski, S.1996. Genetic screening for disease.

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