COMM 313: Editorial Processes
Cutline exercise

Based on the descriptions you received from the photographer below, write standard media-style cutlines (present tense, remember) for the photos described. Fix typos, AP style, grammar, other mistakes, as necessary. After writing cutlines, suggest ways photos could be improved for publication (exposure, cropping, etc.)

the chef illustration.

Photo A:
Now here's a jaunty li'l guy. In fact, as an illustration to accompany a story featuring famous local pastry chefs, Clem Brulee from Monte's in Fargo took a break from the kitchen to speak to a fawning crowd of worshippers.

grip and grin picture

Photo B:
You don't like it, but your moneybags publisher has demanded that you to publish this grip 'n grin style photo on your web page. It's about people from the Fargo Chamber of Commerce. They're giving NDSU communication students awards for excellence in academics and activities. The older man is Frank Flagg, chamber president. The award is being presented to Erv N. Nern, NDSU journalism major. He's a junior, by the way. He's from somewhere in NOrth DAkota...oh! Cando. Write a short caption (label or title-style headline) as well as cutline. (Boy, are we going to crop heck out of this picture. How?)

frat initiation photo

Photo C:
The Iei Tappa Rappa Fraternity boys are at it again! Yes, after the university banned "hazing," the guys are wondering what is acceptable and what is not. Like, a li'l good fun between friends can't be all bad, can it? In this here photo their demonstrating their revised procedure for new fraternity pledges, pointing out that a light tap on the bum certainly doesn't hurt anybody, right? Student affairs officials will meet tomorrow to decide whether this is going to pass muster in the rule book.

volleyball photo

Photo D:
Hey, hey, what do we have here? None other but star volleyballer Erma Nern from East Snowshoe State University, Mott, North Dak. Shown here posed with her basic tools of the game, she was the very top scorer in last week's match at East Snowshoe State. She hails from Minot, also in No Dak. Yes, she does some pretty fine killing, and already has been scouted for the new professional valleyball league. In Minneapolis that will be.