COMM 362, Design for Print
Instructor: Ross Collins

Setting up a magazine

1. Function? What do you hope to accomplish?

2. Personality. What sort of image do you want to project?

3. Audience. Who do you want to attract?

4. Formula, "news mix." What to include?

5. Advertising: yes or no? How much?

6. Web site: yes or no? How will it be integrated into total publishing package?

7. When, and how often, will it appear?

8. Design and typography: format? Margins? Number of columns? Typefaces?

9. Editorial style. AP style? House style?

Analyzing a magazine

1. Format: miniature, pocket, basic, picture, Sunday supplement?

2. Margins: equal, progressive, size?

3. Grid: two-column, three-column, other?

4. Amount of space between columns (gutter): in picas.

5. Amount of space between lines of type (leading): in points.

6. Typefaces: body text, headline, subhead, standing head, other? How many fonts used?

7. Style of headlines: titles, or standard newspaper style?

8. Color: no, yes, where, how much? Spot or process?

9. Bleeds: no, yes, where?

10. Binding: saddle, side, perfect?

Overall critique: Does this magazines design detract from or harmonize with magazine's purpose?

Assignment: analyze five of your favorite magazines using the analysis list above.