Children, War and Propaganda.

How much do you know about children, war and propaganda? Answers are below.

1. Children in World War I were asked to count walnut trees, and gather walnut wood. Why?

2. Children in World War I were also asked to collect fruit pits and nut shells. Why?

3. Children in World War II were asked to collect milkweed pods. Why?

4. Children in World War II were also asked to contribute their toys to the war effort. Why?

5. How many children died in wars during the last decade of the twentieth century?

6. What did boys in World War II report they liked least among war jobs authorities asked of them?

7. After the United States entered World War I, what most worrisome trait did military authorities discover among American boys?

8. In World War II, what was the most worrisome trait?

9. In 1942 children were asked to build 500,000 model airplanes for military warplane identification programs. But at the end of 1943 the program was suspended. Why?

10. What did authorities think the minimum age ought to be for children to join wartime-related duties?


1. It was the best wood for airplane propellers and gun stocks: Children, War & Propaganda, page 142.

2. They were burned into charcoal for gas mask filters: Children, War & Propaganda, page 166.

3. The milkweed silk served as substitute kapok in life preservers: Children, War & Propaganda, page 171.

4. Metal toys were melted down as scrap for wartime use: Children, War & Propaganda, page 195.

5. Two million: Children, War & Propaganda, pages 271-272.

6. They did not like to collect paper and put up posters:Children, War & Propaganda, pages 128-129.

7. They were physically unfit: Children, War & Propaganda, page 43.

8. They were still physically unfit: Children, War & Propaganda, page 44.

9. Children had worked with such enthusiasm that the armed forces was inundated with models; 600,000 had been contributed by the end of the year: Children, War & Propaganda, page 143.

10. There was none; even pre-school children could work: Children, War & Propaganda, page 238.

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