The continuing adventures of Dr. Dan Druckermann, post-cyber historian of the twenty-second century.

Lost in translation.

Dr. Dan Druckermann considered himself a fairly knowledgable interpreter of early twenty-first century languages. But he knew little about an obscure written notation used by many young people around the new millennium. They called it "texting." In fact, he could read nothing of some text he found from 2010, identified as an "Xms Carol." But he was certain if only he had a translation, he could use it to open the secrets of this mysterious language from another century, as in the text below.

"Jgl Bls"

Dshg fwd @sno

In 1-hrse cnvtbl,

Gone PDQ,


gr8 noise bls & bobQs


CSL, d00d

QL 2ne 2nite.

Jngl bl, jgnl bl,


I LUV UR ride!

AKA glf crt,

Jngl OMG. Retweet.

L8r peeps.