NDSU Geosciences Mineralogy 420/620
Mineralogy Links

Below are a few Mineralogy- and Petrology related links.
If you find a good link that you would like to add, please e-mail me. Likewise, if you find an outdated or dead link, let me know.

Mineralogy and Crystallography

MINERAL IDENTIFICATION KEY by Alan Plante, Donald Peck, and David Von Bargen
Common Minerals and Their Uses, from the Minerals Educations Coalition
Point Groups and Bravais Lattices by Marc De Graef
Escher Web Sketch, by Nicolas Schoeni, Wes Hardaker and Gervais Chapuis of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
Wallpaper groups: The 17 plane symmetry groups by David Joyce.
Interactive Crystal Structures
Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA)
Commission on Crystallographic Teaching - Teaching Pamphlets
Mineralogy Course Resources on the Web
Amethyst Galleries' Mineral Gallery
X-ray diffraction: Optical Transforms.html
QuickTime movies of Polarized light and effects of optical elements
X-Ray WWW Server
List of Rietveld and Related Powder Diffraction Software
ILL Grenoble (European High Flux Reactor) Diffraction Group home page
Kevin Cowtan's Picture Book of Fourier Transforms
Electron Microprobe Images
French Association of Micromineralogy / Association Française de Micro-minéralogie

Mineral Recalculation

Mineralogy chemical analysis recalculation templates for Excel by Andy Tindle
Mineralogy chemical analysis recalculation templates for Excel by Gabbrosoft

XRD and crystallography software

Crystalmaker (commercial software)
Match! (commercial software)
Profex is a graphical user interface for Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray diffraction data with the program BGMN
MAUD Materials Analysis Using Diffraction, A Rietveld extended program to perform combined analysis. MAUD can be used to fit diffraction, fluorescence and reflectivity data using X-ray, neutron, TOF or electrons.
Full Profile Search Match - (seems to be down, unfortunately) Online, real time site that fits your diffraction data to the COD database, ranks them and finds the more probable. A Rietveld phase quantification is done with the phases identified.
JANA - a crys­tal­lo­graph­ic pro­gram for so­lu­tion, re­fine­ment and in­ter­pre­ta­tion of dif­fi­cult, es­pe­cial­ly mod­u­lat­ed struc­tures
Crystal Cracker
Collaborative Computational Project Number 14 for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
UnitCell: a non-linear least squares cell refinement program with regression diagnostics
Links to XRD tools at COMPRES, the Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences.
Links to crystallography software at the Mineralogical Society of America web site, including CRUSH, EoSFit, GALOPER, GSAS (General Structure Analysis System), Mudmaster, and OccQP
Direct link to the USGS XRD suite (ftp://brrcrftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/ddeberl/)
including MacDiff - X-ray Powder diffractometry analysis tool for Macs.

Crystal Structure Databases

The American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database
Crystallography Open Database
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) Web Site
Zeolite Structure Database
International Center for Diffraction Data
IUCr - International Union of Crystallography
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
A list of free online databases at MIT Center for Materials Science and Engineering

Petrology and Petrography

The Rock Identification Key - by Don Peck
MELTS Home Page
MicroView: A stand-alone Java applet to dynamically browse micrograph images under development at NDSU
Virtual Microscopes at the Open University
Tools for Petrologists, by Kayla Iacovino.


Ternary Plotting

Programs or webpages for plotting data on ternary plots (some web sites have quaternary plotting programs)
Ternary Plot Maker - Online Ternary diagram plotter (free).
Prosim ternary diagram software for PC (free)
Triplot - by Todd Thompson for PC (free)
Ternary Plot for Mac (commercial software)
Trinity ternary diagram application for Mac
Tri-plot is a spreadsheet for the preparation of triangular (ternary) diagrams for particle-shape and tri-variate data, by D.J. Graham at Loughborough University (free)
DeltaPlot for Mac, by Cédric John (free)
Aabel for Mac (commercial software).
Pingu - an online tool for plotting standard major element and trace elements diagrams. Output can be directly downloaded from Vhub as a high quality image (free)
ggtern - a package for R for the plotting of ternary diagrams, by Nicholas Hamilton. See www.ggtern.com (free)
TriQuick, a general purpose plotting Windows program for creation and working with rectangular and ternary scatter diagrams and for viewing, creation and primitive editing of diagram graphics. By Dmitry Dolivo-Dobrovolsky.


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B. Saini-Eidukat
GEOL 420/620