Advice from former VetS 135 students on how to get the most out of this class

Go To Class! To hear it in Dr. Tom's words make some of the book's information much easier to understand. Plus, he often clarifies information students often get confused on tests. The website is an aid not a substitute.

Do the review questions. They help give an idea of how much studying you need to do for the exam to be "up to par."

Definitely write the notes in your outline before class from the book and the website.

Study gradually. Don't wait until the night before an exam.

Read The Book!

Recopy notes from your outline. It really helps to recopy diagrams and terms/definitions. I take notes on the outline, then at night I transfer everything to a notebook. It's helped me a lot.

Take advantage of all the resources Dr. Tom has made available to you. He wants you to succeed & is very willing to help you if you ask for help.

Record the class if you can, and replay it at home to help fill in information.

Go to class and pay attention. This stuff isn't that hard - just put in a little effort.

Do the review questions and the paper! You never know if you will do better than the test.

Study your butt off.

Keep a glossary, print out the outlines and fill them in ahead of time, do the writing assignment.

Find study partners & study more than one time before the test.

Review material a little every night to keep it fresh -- cramming does not work.

Study hard!! This class isn't that hard if you actually put some time toward it & study.

Read before you go to class. It helps you to understand the information better.

Pay more attention to what Dr. Tom is saying and writing than to what is on the web page overhead.

Next year's students should definitely go to class and pay attention, because Dr. Tom makes these difficult terms and systems easy to understand by making comparisons to everyday things that you would never think of.

Ask Questions! Always ask when you don't understand something. Don't be afraid to talk to Dr. Tom.

Study the exercise that is given at the end of the chapters along with the notes too.

Take the lab. It will help! Anatomy is so fun. Learn the pattern of how things work and it will all fit together for you.

Don't cram--study a little every day to prepare yourself for the exams.

Don't get behind.

Pay attention during class. Everything will make more sense to you.

Dr. Colville gives you everything [you need] to succeed - USE IT!

Study & go to class. Dr. Tom gives a lot of info in the class that makes it so much easier to learn.

The review questions on the website are your best friend for test review.

Sit in the front. It can be hard to pay attention in the back.

Get excited about learning. Come to class prepared.

I found drawing diagrams of how things work helped a lot.

Study ... Study ... Study, but have fun with the class.

Listen to his analogies, they make understanding the subject easier and more familiar.

Print out diagrams [from the web site] before the lecture-that way you don't waste time trying to draw them during class. Pasting the diagrams on the blank sides of the outlines helps because then they aren't loose and don't get lost. Also, learn from the lab. When you are taking a test, it helps to think of what it actually looks like in real life.

Start work on your paper right away & do the paper bit by bit.

Keep up with your own terms outline [the glossary].

Use the website and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Come to class and pay attention, always read the overheads at the beginning of class (they're usually funny).

Go to class and keep on top of the material presented. Review as much as possible. I made a glossary, basically from the outline incorporating information from different sources, to help me study.

Ask questions!!

Read through the notes frequently and don't just try and memorize it, try to understand it.

Review notes with a friend.

Take the time to read exams carefully.

To succeed, use the web site for notes, supplement them with lecture notes and study - don't just read the notes, say them out loud or rewrite parts if necessary.

Use the web and take notes BEFORE class and start studying each day after you take the notes in class and you should do fine.

This class, along with the lab, has been my most fun class. I love going to class & learning about the inner functions of my animals. What helped me the most was relating the things I was learning to the animals I'm interested in. Also, I could sit & talk things through during my studying time - that helped so much.

Form a Study Group!! Comparing notes and discussing them is a very valuable learning technique!

Read, listen and stay awake!

Definitely use the website B4 class so taking notes is minimal & understanding is maximal.

Rewrite the outline on a computer starting with the main points. Then go back and fill in the details because sometimes it's hard to follow a sequence when the subject matter lasts 3-4 pages.

I would tell them to read through their notes every day, because it will help out greatly in the end!

Prepare before class and look over the material daily.

Read over your notes as soon after class as possible & don't wait 'till the last minute to study.

I think that if you just keep up and learn the material for yourself, you will have a good time and do well.

Study early & often. The tests are easy if you spend time to actually understand the material.

Go through the Internet web site before class & write the info down on the outline handout. Review in groups & review often.

Do notes ahead of time from the web site & do the glossary as you go along. Also utilize the review questions.

Go to class & keep up with the info. Don't fall behind & make sure to use the web site & not to blow it off.

Read the book along with going to class.

Think about the material and have fun with it.

Attend all classes, listen!!! Everything you need for the tests he goes over.

Study, review, study.

Study off the review questions he gives you and come to class.

Study at least every night a little bit and take the lab so you understand it better.

Review the material regularly. Don't cram, it makes for lower test scores.

Don't just study the notes. Make games out of it and you'll learn more.

Get notes off the web site beforehand so you can listen more during lecture.

Pay attention to Dr. Colville, use the web site and study hard.

Do the glossary as you go, it helps a lot when studying.

Rewrite your notes. Make 2 copies and use one for class. Then, the same day after class rewrite your notes using the website to fill in any missed information.

The best thing I found I did was write the notes from the website onto my outline in pencil, and during lecture use a different writing utensil to add notes while Dr. Tom was lecturing. This helped me to remember easier because I used different colors in my notes.

Start off the semester strong, otherwise you will pay for it later.

Study with flashcards. It helps.

If you put time into this course early on, it will definitely pay off in the long run.

Take notes before coming to class and study the material covered in class that same day. Come test time, studying will be a cinch and the test will seem simple.

After taking notes, type or rewrite them and make them as organized as possible.

I think you should write out your outlines 2 or 3 times - this helped me out.

After doing one section, go back and read it in the book. You will understand and learn more.

Take note of when Dr. Tom emphasizes a particular area or concept.

STUDY! This isn't a sluff class!

Follow everything on the syllabus. Start studying right off the bat. Don't get behind.

Follow all the advice other students of Dr. Tom already gave.

Open your mind up to learn the information.

There's a lot of information, but it's not overwhelming if you study in advance and properly.

Take advantage of the additional optional writing assignment, and the glossary.