Optional Writing Assignment

 Fall 2010


The score earned on this assignment can be substituted for a lower exam score. If the score earned on this assignment is lower than any of the exam scores, it will not count.


Choose 3 body systems, and explain how they work individually and together to maintain homeostasis in the animal body, and how this contributes to the health of the animal.

Don’t just regurgitate the “nuts and bolts” of each system. Explain the relationship between homeostasis and the health of the animal, and how the selected body systems work individually and interactively to promote them.


5:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 24, 2010. Papers will not be accepted after this deadline. Note: Papers can be sent to the instructor via e-mail. A return e-mail will be sent confirming receipt of the paper. Only papers received by the instructor by the above deadline will count.


Typed, printed out from a computer, or sent via e-mail


~1 inch margins



The assignment will be evaluated holistically on the basis of completeness, accuracy, clarity, organization, neatness, grammar and spelling. Scores will be earned according to this scale:

 A = 96 points:  An outstanding paper that clearly explains what homeostasis is, how it contributes to animal health and how these three body systems work individually and together to maintain the health of  the animal. The paper demonstrates a clear, well thought out understanding of the selected body systems, how they function and  interact to maintain homeostasis, and how that contributes to the ongoing health of the animal.

B = 86 points: A very good paper that contains most of what a reader needs to grasp the basic concept of what homeostasis is, how it affects the health of the animal, and how these body systems contribute to it. All the parts of the paper are present but they are not tied up into a nice, clearly explained bundle for the reader.

C = 76 points: An okay paper that shows evidence of understanding how these body systems contribute to homeostasis and health. No major  inaccuracies are present, but explanations are not clear and complete.

D = 66 points: A barely adequate paper with partial and/or not completely accurate explanations.

F = 0 points: An unacceptable paper.



The Center for Writers provides free one-on-one writing consultations for students and other members of the NDSU community.

Contact information:

Location: lower level of the library

Website: http://www.ndsu.edu/cfwriters

Telephone: 231-7927

E-mail: ndsu.cfw@ndsu.edu