ECI-Developed Applications - Overview

NDSU's Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure department develops a variety applications that can collect, process and share information over the Web. See the Enterprise Application & Development page for more information.

ECI-Developed Applications: Just the Facts

Who can use it to distribute information?NDSU business units, depts, operational teams and service lines; Ag Extension and affiliates
What will the address be?
  (Identifier subject to approval by Vice President for University Relations)
What type of content can be shared? Typically dynamically generated content. 
Who can see the content?Anyone on or off campus.
How is content developed and managed?Varies
How long can the site remain online?As arranged


Training and Support for ECI-Developed Applications

Training Resources and Assistance


These vary, depending on customer's development needs. Training and support resources will be identified at the time planning begins for each application. 

Getting Started with an ECI-Developed Application

Please visit the Enterprise Application Development page on the ECI Web site.

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