Moths of North Dakota

Noctuoidea, Notodontidae: Phalerinae

Peridea basitriens (Walker 1855)

Common name: Oval-based prominent

Hodges #: 7919.

Identification: Rfw 19.6 mm, with tuft at midpoint of inner margin,  s.t. streaks brown rather than black.  Eyes without hair, palpi extend to top of eye, male antennae pectinate to apex. 

Similar species: 7920, 7926, 7928, 7957, 8010, 9578. 

Distribution: southern Canada and northern United States east of the Great Plains.

Hosts: Larval feed on  Maple- Acer.



MN. Becker Co., 8- VII- 1961,  R. Poole.

Forewing of P. basitriens showing brown subterminal streaks.



   Head of P. basitriens showing long palpi reaching top of eye.       






Last updated: 04/14/09

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 in Moths of North Dakota: an online identification guide. 
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Dr. Gerald M. Fauske
collection manager, NDSIRC
research specialist, NDSU
216 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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