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Selected Bibliography for The Tempest

Barbour, Kathryn. “Flout 'em and Scout 'em and Scout 'em and Flout 'em: Prospero's Power and Punishments in The Tempest.” Ed. Gillian Murray Kendall. Shakespearean Power and Punishment: A Volume of Essays. Madison, NJ: Associated UP, 1998. 159-72.

Barker, Francis and Peter Hulme. “Nymphs and Reapers Heavily Vanish: The Discursive Con-Texts of The Tempest.” Alternative Shakespeares. Ed. John Drakakis. London, England: Routledge, 2002. 195-209.

Block de Behar, Lisa, David E. Johnson, and Margarita Vargas. “Miranda and the Salvation of the Shipwreck.” CR: The New Centennial Review 3.1 (2003): 1-23.

Bloom, Harold. “The Late Romances: The Tempest.” Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998. 662-684.

Brockbank, J. P. “The Tempest: Conventions of Art and Empire.” Shakespeare’s Later Comedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Ed. D. J. Palmer. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1971.

Brower, Reuben A. “The Mirror of Analogy: The Tempest.” A Case Study in Critical Controversy: The Tempest. Eds. Gerald Graff and James Phelan. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. 183-202.

Brown, Paul. “‘This Thing of Darkness I Acknowledge Mine’: The Tempest and the Discourse of Colonialism.” A Case Study in Critical Controversy: The Tempest. Eds. Gerald Graff and James Phelan. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. 205-28. top

Cantor, Paul A. “Shakespeare's The Tempest: Tragicomedy and the Philosophic Hero.” Shakespeare's Last Plays: Essays in Literature and Politics. Eds. Stephen W. Smith and Travis Curtright. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2002. 1-15.

Chin, Woon Ping. “Sycorax Revisited: Exile and Absence in Performance.” Modern Drama 46.1 (2003): 94-107.

Cohen, Derek. “Slave Voices: Caliban and Ariel.” Searching Shakespeare: Studies in Culture and Authority. Toronto, ON: U of Toronto P, 2003.

Cohen, Derek. “The Scapegoat Mechanism: Shylock and Caliban.” Searching Shakespeare: Studies in Culture and Authority. Toronto, ON: U of Toronto P, 2003. top

DeCoursey, Matthew. “The Logic of Inequality: Caliban's Baseness in The Tempest.” Cahiers Elisabéthains: Late Medieval and Renaissance Studies 64 (2003): 43-51.

Devereux, E. J. “Sacramental Imagery in The Tempest.” Bulletin de L’Association Canadienne des Humanites 19 (1968): 50-62. Rpt. (abridged) in Shakespeare’s Christian Dimension: An Anthology of Commentary. Ed. Roy Battenhouse. Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 1994. 254-7. top

Finkelstein, Richard. “Disney's Tempest: Colonizing Desire in The Little Mermaid.” Eds. Brenda Ayres and Susan Hines. The Emperor's Old Groove: Decolonizing Disney's Magic Kingdom. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2003. 131-47.

Fleming, James Dougal. “Prevent Is Not Prevent: Rape and Rhetoric in The Tempest.” Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 15.2 (2003): 451-72.

Fortunati, Vita and Gilberta Golinelli. “Interpreting Utopia: The Debate between Mutiny and Dynastic Law in The Tempest.” Shakespeare and the Law. Ed. Daniela Capri. Portico: Biblioteca di Lettere e Arti 128. Ravenna, Italy: Longo, 2003. 91-102.

Gillies, John. “‘The Open Worlde’: The Exotic in Shakespeare.” The Tempest. Ed. R. S. White. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1999. 191-203.

Goldberg, Jonathan. “Under the Covers with Caliban.” Shakespeare's Hand. Minneapolis, MN: U of Minnesota P, 2003.

Greenblatt, Stephen. “Martial Law in the Land of Cockaigne.” The Tempest. Ed. R. S. White. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1999. 97-122. top

Hawkes, Terence. “Playhouse-Workhouse.” The Tempest. Ed. R. S. White. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1999. 49-74.

Hunter, Robert Grams. “The Regeneration of Alonso.” Shakespeare and the Comedy of Forgiveness. New York: Columbia UP, 1965. 228-240. Rpt. (abridged) in Shakespeare’s Christian Dimension: An Anthology of Commentary. Ed. Roy Battenhouse. Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 1994. 263-7. top

James, D. G. The Dream of Prospero. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1967. top

Kastan, David Scott. “‘The Duke of Milan/ And His Brave Son’: Old Hisotries and New in The Tempest.” A Case Study in Critical Controversy: The Tempest. Eds. Gerald Graff and James Phelan. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. 268-85.

Kiefer, Frederick. “Time and Deities in the Late Plays.” Shakespeare's Visual Theatre: Staging the Personified Characters. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2003.

Kirkpatrick, Robin. “The Italy of The Tempest.” The Tempest and Its Travels. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2000. 78-96.

Kirsch, Arthur. “Montaigne and The Tempest.” Cultural Exchange between European Nations during the Renaissance. Eds. Gunnar Sorelius and Michael Srigley. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia 86. Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University, 1994. 111-21.

Kirsch, Arthur. “The Sea and the Mirror: A Commentary on Shakespeare's The Tempest.” Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2003.

Knights, L. C. “The Tempest.” Shakespeare’s Late Plays: Essays in Honor of Charles Crow. Eds. Richard C. Tobias and Paul G. Zolbrod. Athens: Ohio UP, 1974. 15-31.

Knowles, James. “Insubstantial Pageants: The Tempest and Masquing Culture.” Shakespeare’s Late Plays: New Readings. Eds. Jennifer Richards and James Knowles. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1999. 108-25. top

Lamb, Mary Ellen. “Engendering the Narrative Act: Old Wives' Tales in The Winter's Tale, Macbeth, and The Tempest.” Criticism 40.4 (1998): 529-53.

Lawler, Peter Augustine. “Shakespeare's Realism in The Tempest.” Shakespeare's Last Plays: Essays in Literature and Politics. Eds. Stephen W.Smith and Travis Curtright. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2002. 91-109.

Lee, Young Cho. “The Theatrical Representation of Politics in The Tempest.” Journal of English Language and Literature/Yongo Yongmunhak 49.4 (2003): 935-54.

Loomba, Ania. “Seizing the Book.” The Tempest. Ed. R. S. White. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1999.135-54.

Lucking, David. “Carrying Tempest in His Hand and Voice. The Figure of the Magician in Jonson and Shakespeare.” English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature 85.4 (2004): 297-310. top

Macdonald, Ronald R. “The Unheimlich Maneuver: Antithetical Ways of Power in Shakespeare.” Ed. Gillian Murray Kendall. Shakespearean Power and Punishment: A Volume of Essays. Madison, NJ: Associated UP, 1998. 197-209.

McAlindon, Tom. “The Discourse of Prayer in The Tempest.” SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 41.2 (2001): 335-55.

Mebane, John S. Renaissance Magic and the Return of the Golden Age: The Occult Tradition and Marlowe, Jonson, and Shakespeare. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1989. top

Nevo, Ruth. “Subtleties of the Isle: The Tempest.” The Tempest. Ed. R. S. White. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1999. 75-96.

Norbrook, David. “‘What Cares These Roarers for the Name of King?’: Language and Utopia in The Tempest.” The Tempest. Ed. R. S. White. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1999. 167-90.

Nuttall, A. D. “Some Shakespearean Openings: Hamlet, Twelfth Night, The Tempest.” The Arts of Performance in Elizabethan and Early Stuart Drama: Essays for G. K. Hunter. Eds. Murray Biggs, Philip Edwards, Inga-Stina Ewbank, and Eugene M. Waith. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1991. 84-95. top

O'Malley, Susan Gushee. “Cultural Appropriations of Shakespeare in the Classroom.” Ed. Lloyd Davis. Shakespeare Matters: History, Teaching, Performance. Newark, DE: Associated UP, 2003. 138-50.

Orgel, Stephen. “Prospero’s Wife.” Representing the English Renaissance. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. Berkeley: U of California P, 1988. 217-30. top

Pask, Kevin. “Caliban's Masque.” ELH 70.3 (2003): 739-56.

Pask, Kevin. “Prospero's Counter-Pastoral.” Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 44.4 (2002): 389-404.

Patrick Julian. “The Tempest as Supplement.” Centre and Labyrinth: Essays in Honour of Northrop Frye. Eds. Eleanor Cook et al. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1983. 162-180.

Patterson, Annabel. “‘Thought Is Free’: The Tempest.” The Tempest. Ed. R. S. White. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1999. 123-34. top

Reynolds, Bryan and Ayanna Thompson. “Inspriteful Ariels: Transversal Tempests.” Performing Transversally: Reimagining Shakespeare and the Critical Future. Eds. Bryan Reynolds, Janelle Reinelt, and Jonathan Gil Harris. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. 189-214.

Roberts, Gareth. “’An Art Lawful as Eating?’ Magic in The Tempest and The Winter’s Tale.” Shakespeare’s Late Plays: New Readings. Eds. Jennifer Richards and James Knowles. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1999. 126-142. top

Schlueter, Nathan. “Prospero's Second Sailing: Machiavelli, Shakespeare, and the Politics of The Tempest.” Shakespeare's Last Plays: Essays in Literature and Politics. Eds. Stephen W. Smith  and Travis Curtright. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2002. 179-95.

Shepherd, Simon. “Revels End, and the Gentle Body Starts.” Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production 55 (2002): 237-56.

Simonds, Peggy Munoz. “Staging The Tempest as an Alchemical Experiment in the Theater.”  Shakespeare: Text and Theater. Eds. Lois Potter and Arthur F. Kinney. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1999.

Singh, Jyotsna G. “Caliban versus Miranda: Race and Gender Conflicts in Postcolonial Rewritings of The Tempest.” New Casebooks: Shakespeare's Romances. Ed. Alison Thorne. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. 205-25.

Skura, Meredith Anne. “Discourse and the Individual: The Case of Colonialism in The Tempest.” A Case Study in Critical Controversy: The Tempest. Eds. Gerald Graff and James Phelan. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. 286-323.

Slights, Jessica. “Rape and the Romanticization of Shakespeare’s Miranda.” SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 41.2 (2001): 357-79.

Smith, Hallett. “Introduction: The Tempest as a Kaleidoscope.” Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Tempest. Ed. Hallett Smith. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1969.

Sparrow, Jennifer. “Strategic Créolité: Caliban and Miranda after Empire.” Literature and Racial Ambiguity. Eds. Teresa Hubel and Neil Brooks. Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature 27. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2002. 117-39.

Srigley, Michael. Images of Regeneration: A Study of Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Its Cultural Background. Diss. Uppsala University, 1985. Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia 58. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1985.

Strier, Richard. “‘I Am Power’: Normal and Magical Politics in The Tempest.” Writing and Political Engagement in Seventeenth-Century England. Eds. Derek Hirst and Richard Strier. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999. 10-30. top

Takaki, Ronald. “The Tempest in the Wilderness.” A Case Study in Critical Controversy: The Tempest. Eds. Gerald Graff and James Phelan. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. 140-72.

Thompson, Ann. “‘Miranda, Where’s Your Sister?’: Reading Shakespeare’s The Tempest.” A Case Study in Critical Controversy: The Tempest. Eds. Gerald Graff and James Phelan. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. 337-48.

Traister, Barbara Howard. “Prospero: Master of Self-Knowledge.” Heavenly Necromancers: The Magician in English Renaissance Drama. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1984.125-50.

Traub, Valerie. “Rainbows of Darkness: Deconstructing Shakespeare in the Work of Gloria Naylor and Zora Neale Hurston.” Cross-Cultural Performances: Differences in Women's Re-Visions of Shakespeare. Eds.Marianne Novy and Peter Erickson. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1993. 150-63.

Troupp, Lotte. “'Hear My Soul Speak': Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in Shakespeare's The Tempest.” Journal of Historical Pragmatics 3.1 (2002): 107-50. top

West, Robert H. “Ceremonial Magic in The Tempest.” Shakespearean Essays. Eds. Alwin Thaler and Norman Sanders. Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1964. 63-78.

Willis, Deborah. “Shakespeare’s Tempest and the Discourse of Colonialism.” A Case Study in Critical Controversy: The Tempest. Eds. Gerald Graff and James Phelan. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. 256-67.

Wilson, Richard. “Voyage to Tunis: New History and the Old World of The Tempest.” ELH 64.2 (1997): 333-57.

Wilson-Okamura, David Scott. “Virgilian Models of Colonization in Shakespeare’s Tempest.” ELH 70.3 (2003): 709-37. top

Yachnin, Paul. “‘If by your art’: Shakespeare's Presence in The Tempest.” English Studies in Canada 14.2 (1988): 119-134.

Yachnin, Paul. “Shakespeare and the Idea of Obedience: Gonzalo in The Tempest.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 24.2 (1991): 1-18.

Yates, Frances A. Majesty and Magic in Shakespeare’s Last Plays: A New Approach to Cymbeline, Henry VIII, and The Tempest. Boulder: Shambhala, 1978. top

Last updated November 2007