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Department of English
North Dakota State University
322 F Minard Hall
NDSU Dept. 2320
FARGO, ND 58108-6050

Phone: (701) 231-7152
E-mail: verena.theile@ndsu.edu



Selected Bibliography for The Winter's Tale

Adelman, Janet. “Masculine Authority and the Maternal Body in The Winter's Tale.” Ed. Alison Thorne. New Casebooks: Shakespeare's Romances. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. 145-70. top

Beauregard, David N. “Shakespeare against the Skeptics: Nature and Grace in The Winter's Tale.” Shakespeare's Last Plays: Essays in Literature and Politics. Eds. Stephen W. Smith and Travis Curtright. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2002. 53-72.

Bloom, Harold. “The Late Romances: The Winter’s Tale.” Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998. 639-661. top

Cavell, Stanley. “Recounting Gains, Showing Losses: Reading The Winter's Tale.” Disowning Knowledge in Seven Plays of Shakespeare. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2003.

Cook, Kimberly K. “'I'll Ha' Thee Burnt': Patriarchal Purging in Othello and The Winter's Tale.” Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 17.1-2 (1996): 9-19.

Cooley, Ronald W. “Speech versus Spectacle: Autolycus, Class and Containment in The Winter's Tale.” Renaissance and Reformation 21.3 (1997): 5-23.

Crawford, Kevin. “'He Was Torn to Pieces with a Bear': Grotesque Unity in The Winter's Tale.” Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 10.3 (1999): 206-30. top

Eaton, Sara. “‘Content with Art’?: Seeing the Emblematic Woman in The Second Maiden's Tragedy and The Winter's Tale.” Ed. Gillian Murray Kendall. Shakespearean Power and Punishment: A Volume of Essays. Madison, NJ: Associated UP, 1998. 59-86..

Ellison, James. “The Winter's Tale and the Religious Politics of Europe.” New Casebooks: Shakespeare's Romances. Ed. Alison Thorne. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. 171-204.

Enterline, Lynn. “‘You Speak a Language That I Understand Not’: The Rhetoric of Animation in The Winter's Tale.” Shakespeare Quarterly 48.1 (1997): 17-44.

Estok, Simon C. “Teaching the Environment of The Winter's Tale: Ecocritical Theory and Pedagogy for Shakespeare.” Ed. Lloyd Davis. Shakespeare Matters: History, Teaching, Performance. Newark, DE: Associated UP, 2003. 177-90. top

Felperin, Howard. “‘Tongue-Tied, Our Queen?’: The Deconstruction of Presence in The Winter's Tale.” Ed. Kiernan Ryan. Shakespeare: The Last Plays. London, England: Longman, 1999. 187-205.

Fortier, Mark. “Married with Children: The Winter's Tale and Social History; or Infanticide in Earlier Seventeenth-Century England.” Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History 57.4 (1996): 579-603.top

Gash, Anthony. “Shakespeare, Carnival, and the Sacred: The Winter's Tale and Measure for Measure.” Shakespeare and Carnival: After Bakhtin. Ed. Ronald Knowles. London: St. Martin's, 1998. 177-210. top

Hiscock, Andrew. “Sovereignty: Crises of Desire and Faith in The Winter's Tale and Henry VIII.” Cahiers Elisabéthains: Late Medieval and Renaissance Studies 52 (1997): 53-62.

Horton, Craig. “‘ ... The Country Must Diminish': Jacobean London and the Production of Pastoral Space in The Winter's Tale.” Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies 20.1 (2003): 85-107.

Hunt, Maurice. “‘Bearing Hence' Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale.” SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 44.2 (2004): 333-46. top

Johnson, Nora. “Ganymedes and Kings: Staging Male Homosexual Desire in The Winter's Tale.” Shakespeare Studies 26 (1998): 187-217. top

Kaplan, M. Lindsay and Katherine Eggert. “‘Good Queen, My Lord, Good Queen’: Sexual Slander and the Trials of Female Authority in The Winter's Tale.” Renaissance Drama 25 (1994): 89-118.

Kendall, Gillian Murray. “Overkill in Shakespeare.” Shakespeare Quarterly 43.1 (1992): 33-50.

Kiefer, Frederick. “The Iconography of Time in The Winter's Tale.” Renaissance and Reformation 23.3 (1999): 49-64.

Kiefer, Frederick. “Time and Deities in the Late Plays.” Shakespeare's Visual Theatre: Staging the Personified Characters. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2003.

Kitch, Aaron. “Bastards and Broadsides in The Winter's Tale.” Renaissance Drama 30 (1999-2001): 43-71. top

Lamb, Mary Ellen. “Engendering the Narrative Act: Old Wives' Tales in The Winter's Tale, Macbeth, and The Tempest.” Criticism 40.4 (1998): 529-53.

Landau, Aaron. “‘No Settled Senses of the World Can Match the Pleasure of That Madness’: The Politics of Unreason in The Winter's Tale.” Cahiers Elisabéthains: Late Medieval and Renaissance Studies 64 (2003): 29-42.

Lee, Hee-Won. “ ‘Embraced, as It Were From the Ends of Opposed Winds’: The Male/Female Dichotomy and Mutual Accommodation in The Winter's Tale.” Feminist Studies in English Literature 6.2 (1998): 87-118.

Lim, Walter S. “Knowledge and Belief in The Winter's Tale.” SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 41.2 (2001): 317-34. top

Mallin, Eric S. “Inscribing the Time: Shakespeare and the End of Elizabethan England.” New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics 33. Berkeley: U of California P, 1995.

McKeown, Adam. “Rhetoric and the Tragedy of The Winter's Tale.” Upstart Crow 20 (2000): 116-32.

Mick, Connie Snyder. “Bearing Parts: Leontes’ Skeptical Delivery of Perdita in Shakespeare’s The Winter's Tale.” Renaissance Papers (1999): 107-24. top

Neely, Carol Thomas. “The Winter's Tale: Women and Issue.” Ed. Kiernan Ryan. Shakespeare: The Last Plays. London, England: Longman, 1999. 169-86.

Newcomb, Lori Humphrey. “‘If That Which Is Lost Be Not Found’: Monumental Bodies, Spectacular Bodies in The Winter's Tale.” Eds. Goran V. Stanivukovic and Valerie Traub. Ovid and the Renaissance Body. Toronto, ON: U of Toronto P, 2001. 239-59.

Nichols, Mary P. “Tragedy and Comedy in Shakespeare's Poetic Vision in The Winter's Tale.” Eds. Stephen W. Smith and Travis Curtright. Shakespeare's Last Plays: Essays in Literature and Politics. Lanham: Lexington, 2002. 137-55. top

Richards, Jennifer. “Social Decorum in The Winter's Tale.” Shakespeare's Late Plays: New Readings. Jennifer Richards and James Knowles. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh UP, 1999. 75-91.

Roberts, Gareth. “’An Art Lawful as Eating?’ Magic in The Tempest and The Winter’s Tale.” Shakespeare’s Late Plays: New Readings. Eds. Jennifer Richards and James Knowles. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1999. 126-142.

Ronk, Martha. “Disjunction and Subjectivity in The Winter’s Tale.” Upstart Crow 16 (1996): 124-40.

Rosenfield, Kirstie Gulick. “Nursing Nothing: Witchcraft and Female Sexuality in The Winter’s Tale.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 35.1 (2002): 95-112. top

Van Elk, Martine. “‘Our Praises Are Our Wages’: Courtly Exchange, Social Mobility, and Female Speech in The Winter's Tale.” Philological Quarterly 79.4 (2000): 429-57.

Vanita, Ruth. “Mariological Memory in The Winter's Tale and Henry VIII.” SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 40.2 (2000): 311-37.

Vaught, Jennifer. “Masculinity and Affect in Shakespeare's Winter's Tale: Men of Feeling from the Renaissance through the Enlightenment.” 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era 10 (2004): 305-25. top

Wood, David Houston. “'He Something Seems Unsettled': Melancholy, Jealousy, and Subjective Temporality in The Winter's Tale.” Renaissance Drama, 31 (2002), pp. 185-213. top

Young, Bruce W. “Ritual as an Instrument of Grace: Parental Blessings in Richard III, All's Well That Ends Well, and The Winter's Tale.” True Rites and Maimed Rites: Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and His Age. Eds. Linda Woodbridge and Edward Berry. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1992. 169-200. top

Zurcher, Amelia. “Untimely Monuments: Stoicism, History, and the Problem of
            Utility in The Winter's Tale and Pericles.” ELH 70.4 (2003): 903-27. top

Last updated November 2007