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Department of English
North Dakota State University
322 F Minard Hall
NDSU Dept. 2320
FARGO, ND 58108-6050

Phone: (701) 231-7152
E-mail: verena.theile@ndsu.edu



English 102: Introduction to Literature
Short Reflective Essay Question 3: NOVEL

GENERAL GUIDELINES: The short reflective papers are meant to be exploratory, and not much research should be required. I’m looking for your reaction to and interpretation of a short story, a poem, or a theme, motif or problem reoccurring in multiple literary texts. This is a formal writing exercise, however, and I do expect you to follow the rules of Standard Written English. Your paper should be no fewer than 2 and no more than 4 pages in length, double-spaced, with a 1” margin all around (this translates roughly into 900-1,800 words—insert page numbers, please, top right hand corner, and your name as well as class and section number in the top left hand corner). Be sure to provide an introduction and a conclusion to your paper and organize your thoughts into coherent paragraphs of sensible lengths within the body of your paper (a well-developed paragraph consists of a minimum of 7-10 sentences). Please proofread your paper and follow MLA conventions!  (Each short reflective paper accounts for 10% of overall grade for the course.) top

In our discussion of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/Dracula, we have spent quite a bit of time talking about the historical circumstances within which the novel was written and within which it takes place: the Victorian era. For you third short reflective paper, I would like you to situate your analysis of a symbol, theme, motif, or image which intrigued you in the text within this historical context. This will require a little bit of research on your part. As you are following the clues that the author (Robert Louis Stevenson/Bram Stoker) left you and develop an argument about the use, purpose, and dramatic effect of the theme, symbol, image, or motif of your choice, research the Victorian era and see whether certain things, behaviors, attitudes, etc. are typical of this time period. The Victorian Web might be a good way to start digging, but other resources should be explored as well. Analyze how the text and the image, theme, symbol, or motif within that text are either period-specific or period-crossing. And discuss how your reading of the text changes or is illuminated and affected by a closer understanding of the historical circumstances within which the story takes place.

As you develop your argument and organize your thoughts into a coherent paper, don’t forget to cite passages from the text and your research! Follow MLA guidelines for your citations! top

To sum up assignment 3 : Write a short analytical paper that explores a theme, symbol, image, or motif in Dracula/Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and relate your discussion to an analysis/discussion of the Victorian era. As always, I need you to develop an argument, introduce your paper and formulate a thesis statement, provide support in the body of your paper, and conclude your paper in a confident and convincing manner. Stay on topic and do not forget to ive your paper a meaningful title. top

I’m available for questions via e-mail and during my office hours. For appointments outside my office hours, talk to me after class or send me an e-mail. Proofread e-mails and drafts, please—remember this is an English class: Use language to impress, not to confuse or make your reader wonder whether you actually care or only threw something together at 2am on due-date-day. Clarity & style are just as important as logic & coherence! top

Last updated November 2007