Web Services News

NDSU web cleanup scheduled for November 28, 2017

On November 28, the NDSU Information Technology Division will make two changes to clean up the NDSU website. These changes were initially scheduled to take place in June 2016, but were delayed. To…

NDSU Web clean-up scheduled June 30

On June 30, the NDSU Information Technology Division will make two changes to clean up the NDSU website. To prepare for the change, please review all NDSU-related Web content.

The NDSU Web upgrade to HTTPS is complete. All www.ndsu.edu Web pages are now secured with HTTPS.

Those who manage NDSU Web pages are encouraged to review each page to ensure it continues to function…

Created by Lorna Olsen |

ITS has scheduled 4 CMS (TYPO3) training sessions this summer. See the complete schedule, class descriptions and/or REGISTER for sessions now.

The accessibility of Web pages is a huge issue – we’ve…

NDSU websites hosted in Pubweb using PHP version 5.3 will be upgraded to PHP 5.4 on May 21.

PHP version 5.3 is no longer supported by the PHP language developers.

Because of differences in the PHP…

On June 16, all www.ndsu.edu websites will be secured with HTTPS.

This change will lead to improved security for all users of NDSU websites, including those who submit sensitive information through…

Web content authors are invited to two Web accessibility emporiums to get help improving images and links on NDSU Web pages so they are accessible to all users. These accessibility issues are easy to…

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