Eating Disorder Information
During college, maintaining a healthy weight and a positive body image can be challenging, especially when academic pressures blend with social expectations. Stress can often translate into skipping meals, compulsive exercising or eating out of control.

 If you are concerned about your eating habits, weight or body image - or those of a friend - you can access the National Eating Disorder Awareness free online screening by clicking the link in at the top right of this page.

Disclaimer:The above resources and external links, as well as others found throughout our site, may provide useful information about topics related to counseling and mental health.. Their listing here, however, does not indicate endorsement by the Counseling Center or NDSU. Additionally, although information and self-help resources can be a helpful adjunct to work you are doing in counseling or in a support group, we do not necessarily recommend self-help as a sole course of treatment. If you are interested in speaking with a counselor, please refer to the other pages in this site for more information about our services.

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