
References and Resources for Addressing Youth Issues

(YD1889, Revised April 2022)

Numerous youth issues are highlighted in this single publication. Each topic area includes a list of current references and resources specifically focusing on the particular youth issue. Included are websites, NDSU Extension publications and programs, brochures, lesson guides, fact sheets, videos and more. Each reference and resource is followed by a short description.

Lead Author
Lead Author:
Meagan Scott Hoffman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor/4-H Youth Development Specialist, meagan.scott@ndsu.edu
Other Authors

Chloe Krinke, M.Ed., LAPC, NCC, NDSU Center for 4-H Youth Development Graduate Assistant (2015-2019)

Katelyn Yliniemi, NDSU Center for 4-H Youth Development Graduate Assistant (2019-2021)

Reganne Engebretson, NDSU Center for 4-H Youth Development Graduate Assistant  reganne.engebretson@ndsu.edu

Web only
Publication Sections

General Websites with Resources on Various Youth Issues

  • North Dakota Department of Health – includes national and North Dakota specific links related to children’s health services - www.health.nd.gov/Youth
  • North Dakota Compass – social indicators project that measures progress in North Dakota and tracks youth trends - www.ndcompass.org/children-and-youth
  • North Dakota KIDS COUNT – provides information on child well-being, such as what to do if you suspect child abuse - www.ndkidscount.org/resources
  • Youth.Gov – facts and interactive tools to help assess community assets, local and federal resources, evidence-based programs and youth-related news - http://youth.gov
  • Healthy Children – backed by pediatricians committed to the well-being of all infants, children, adolescents and young adults - www.healthychildren.org/English/Pages/default.aspx
  • Kids Health – split into four sections based on the user (parents, kids, teens or educators) - http://kidshealth.org
  • American Psychological Association – teen-related topics, readings, publications, news and other resources - www.apa.org/topics/teens/index.aspx
  • Adolescent and School Health – program tools, fact sheets, funded programs, data and publications - www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth
  • Parent Information – learn how to handle common parenting challenges through interactive activities, videos, and more - www.cdc.gov/parents
  • Act for Youth – lesson guides, articles, fact sheets, videos, narrated presentations and websites - www.actforyouth.net/adolescence/toolkit
  • Teachers Pay Teachers – educators share, sell and buy original resources such as lesson plans, activities, games, videos, curriculum, assessments, projects and more - www.teacherspayteachers.com
  • Teens and Young Adults – information and advice on the latest youth issues, including sexual activity, substance use, social media, sleep, body image, social anxiety, depression, eating disorders, self-injury, psychosis and suicidal thinking - https://childmind.org/topics/concerns/teenagers
  • Search Institute – youth-related topics, articles, videos, free downloads, blogs and other resources - www.searchinstitute.org
  • Lesson Plan and Activity Finder – science- and standards-based classroom lessons and multimedia activities on teens, drugs, media and critical thinking - https://teens.drugabuse.gov/teachers/lessonplans

At-risk Youth

Brain Development


Character Education

Conflict and Anger

Coping with Loss, Death and Grief



Families with Special Needs Youth

Family Structure


Blended/Stepfamily/Single Parent


Foster Care

Grandparents/Relatives as Parents

Family Wellness

Financial Literacy

  • R U Ready ND: Financial Aid Planning – education and career planning website with various resources - https://secure.ruready.nd.gov/Financial_Aid_Planning/_default.aspx
  • 4-H Curriculum: My Financial Future – helps middle and high school youth develop critical skills and knowledge in money management, organize finances, learn about savings and risk management - https://shop4-h.org/pages/search-results-page?q=my+financial+future
  • Bankaroo – virtual bank account for kids that teaches value of money and how to create and stick to financial goals. Good for ages 7+. - www.bankaroo.com
  • Mapping Your Future – curriculum-related resources to help young people develop the skills they will need to manage their finances successfully - www.mappingyourfuture.org
  • Practical Money Skills – financial literacy games and activities to help young adults learn about finances in an engaging way - https://www.practicalmoneyskills.com/play
  • High School Financial Planning Program – free future financial planning curriculum for instructors, parents and students including guides, lesson plans and worksheets to help youth plan their financial future - www.hsfpp.org
  • Next Gen Personal Finance – virtual financial planning course including free modules that educators and parents can use to teach youth about a variety of finance topics - www.ngpf.org

Generational Diversity

Grit, Resilience and Growth Mindset

Health and Wellness

LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual)

Mental Health

Autism Spectrum


● Firstlink (211) – 2-1-1 is a simple, easy-to-remember, free number that connects callers to information about health and human services. 2-1-1 callers in North Dakota and Clay County, Minn., are connected to the FirstLink 2-1-1 Helpline, which provides confidential listening and support as well as information and referrals. Call specialists are trained in crisis intervention, including suicide. - http://myfirstlink.org/get-help-now

● Crisis Text Line – free, 24/7 support for those in crisis. Text 741741 from anywhere in the U.S. to connect with a trained crisis counselor. - www.crisistextline.org

● Trans Lifeline – (1-877-565-8860) is a national trans-led organization and hotline run by and for trans people. Operators are all trans-identified. - https://translifeline.org

● Texting That Saves Lives – TED Talk - www.ted.com/talks/nancy_lublin_texting_that_saves_lives

● Responding to Distressed People (FS1805) – includes a flow chart outlining the process of responding to distressed individuals - www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/kids-family/responding-to-distressed-people

● Working with Distressed Clientele (FS1789) – helps professionals deal with struggling clientele - www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/kids-family/working-with-distressed-clientele

Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, ADHD and Self-injury

● Depression Resource Center – facts for families, clinical resources, research and training, books and information
on getting help with depressive symptoms - www.aacap.org/aacap/Families_and_Youth/Resource_Centers/Depression_Resource_Center/depression_Resource_Center.aspx

● Children and Teens – resources on youth anxiety and depression - https://adaa.org/living-with-anxiety/children

● ADHD Resource Center – facts for families, clinical resources, video clips, research and training, books and information on getting help - www.aacap.org/aacap/Families_and_Youth/Resource_Centers/ADHD_Resource_Center/Home.aspx

● Self-injury and Recovery Resources – resources to help youth, parents, caring adults and professionals better understand self-injury - www.selfinjury.bctr.cornell.edu/resources.html

● Self-injury Outreach and Support – info guides, stories, coping and recovery research and other resources for youth, loved ones and caring adults to gain information about self-injury - http://sioutreach.org

● National Eating Disorders Association: Parent Toolkit – resource for parents and other caring adults to better understand eating disorders in youth - www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/sites/default/files/Toolkits/ParentToolkit.pdf

● Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens – brochure created by National Institute of Mental Health - https://www.nimh.nih.gov/sites/default/files/documents/health/publications/bipolar-disorder-in-children-and-teens/20-mh-8081-bipolardischildren.pdf

● I Am Not A Monster: Schizophrenia – TED Talk - www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbagFzcyNiM

Psychological/Emotional Well-being


  • Parent Education – parent education networks for each regional site that provide educational programs, newsletters, a lending library and educational literature to help families succeed - www.ag.ndsu.edu/pen
  • Parents LEAD – evidence-based prevention program targeting parents, professionals and communities through statewide, web-based communication - www.parentslead.org
  • Child Care Aware of North Dakota – program of Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota that is a training and information hub for child care providers and offers parents customized referrals to licensed child care options - http://ndchildcare.org
  • Active Parenting of Teens (parents only) – gives parents of teenagers a chance to discuss topics such as methods of respectful discipline and how to develop skills for clear, honest communication. The program addresses: teen brain development, parenting styles, communication, problem-solving, responsibility, self-esteem, teen behavior goals, high-risk behaviors, alcohol, drugs, sexuality and violence.
    - Active Parenting of Teens (parents/youth)
  • Active Parenting, 5 to 12 years – for parents and caregivers of 5- to 12-year-olds to learn active parenting vs. reactive parenting. Addresses situations and challenges that are expected when parenting this age group.
  • Parenting Wisely: Young Children and Teens – designed for at-risk families with children from early elementary to high school age. Nine video vignettes are used to overcome illiteracy barriers and assist parents in following a self-paced, self-guided approach to learning parenting confidence and skills. Communication skills, problem-solving skills, speaking respectfully, assertive discipline, reinforcement, homework compliance, chore compliance, supervision of children, stepfamily and single parent issues are all addressed.
  • Active Parenting of Stepfamilies – discussion and video-based program for learning the skills and techniques helpful for successfully building and nurturing a blended family
  • Parents Forever – puts parents on the path to minimizing stress for themselves and their children. Participants learn how to make informed, child-supportive decisions so children will come through separation or divorce having a positive relationship with both parents vs. feeling caught in the middle of their parents’ conflict.
  • Cooperative Parenting and Divorce – addresses the parenting issues created because of divorce/separation
  • Crossroads of Parenting and Divorce – provides parents with the skills and insight on how to respond to divorce when children are involved
  • Common Sense Parenting – parent education course designed for parents of toddlers and preschoolers or children ages 6 to 16 and/or children with ADHD addressing communication, discipline, decision making, relationships and school success issues
  • Conscious Discipline – series of classes providing parents/caregivers with the tools to turn conflict into cooperation and avoid teaching the behaviors they want to prevent
  • Parenting the Love and Logic Way – video-based parenting class for parents of all ages of children. The class illustrates parenting techniques that emphasize respect, empathy, logic and limits.
  • Nurturing Parenting Programs (multiple versions) – a series of programs designed for use in reducing child abuse and neglect or risks for such behavior. Primarily designed for high-risk families and families experiencing child abuse and neglect or in the child welfare system. 
    - Nurturing Parenting – Community Based
    - Nurturing Parenting – Military
  • How Much is Enough? – four-week series designed to help parents see the difference between spoiling and overindulging versus healthy, loving and appropriate care. Lessons focus on helping parents foster independence, empathy and compassion, and self-control in their children.
  • Nurtured Heart Approach – focuses on effective parenting techniques that address difficult and intense child behaviors
  • Positive Native American Parenting – parenting curriculum designed to provide a brief, practical and culturally specific training program for parents. The goal is to help Native American parents explore values and attitudes expressed in traditional child-rearing practices, appreciate the lessons obtained from certain universal, historical ways such as storytelling, extended family, etc. and apply those values to modern skills in parenting.
  • The Incredible Years (BASIC Parent Training Program) – three-part series designed to promote emotional and social competence and prevent, reduce and treat behavior and emotional problems in young children
  • 1, 2, 3 Magic – offers easy-to-follow steps for disciplining children without arguing or yelling. These classes help parents avoid overexplaining, maintain control, avoid misbehavior in public and help their children make positive choices.
  • Parenting the Second Time Around (PASTA) – meets the needs of grandparents, relatives and other nonparental caregivers who are parenting related (or nonrelated) children. Topics include child and adolescent development, discipline and guidance, acknowledgement of ambivalent feelings, rebuilding a family, living with teens, legal issues and advocacy.
  • Strengthening Parent-Teen Relationships in a Wireless World – helps parents connect with their teens, examine their rules and expectations, create a plan for digital media, and critique how the use of technology is working for and against their family relationships
  • Monitoring Your Teen’s Activities: What Parents and Families Should Know – what parents and families should know about their teens’ activities and behavior - www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/protective/pdf/parental_monitoring_factsheet.pdf
  • What’s New with Teens and Their Families – course addresses normal teen behavior and how families change through the teen years - https://extension.umn.edu/teen-development/whats-new-teens-and-their-families
  • Keep Connected – helps families strengthen relationships through shared activities - www.parentfurther.com
  • Advice to Help You be a Great Parent – 13 TED Talks that speak to the complexities of parenthood, offering unusual insight and hard-won advice - www.ted.com/playlists/150/advice_to_help_you_be_a_great
  • Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffled – podcast that addresses a reader’s parenting issue through the lens of Janet’s respectful parenting philosophy - https://www.janetlansbury.com/2015/08/respectful-parenting-podcasts-janet-lansbury-unruffled
  • Focus on Parenting Podcast – podcast that provides moms and dads with helpful tips on how to be a better parent each day to help raise kids on the right path - https://www.focusonthefamily.com/shows/focus-on-parenting-podcast

Peer Influence and Relationships


Poverty and Homelessness


Public Health and Safety

Public and Personal Health

Public and Personal Safety

Racial Injustice and Discrimination

Romantic Relationships

Self-esteem and Body Image

Self-regulation and Self-awareness

● Just Breathe: The Importance of Meditation Breaks for Kids – tips, research and additional information - www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/emotional-wellness/Pages/Just-Breathe-The-Importance-of-Meditation-Breaks-for-Kids.aspx

● Self-Management – social and emotional learning toolkit for professionals who work with youth - www.actforyouth.net/youth_development/professionals/sel/self-management.cfm

● How Can We Help Kids with Self-Regulation? – Child Mind Institute article - https://childmind.org/article/can-help-kids-self-regulation

● The Power of Mindfulness – how a meditation practice can help kids become less anxious and more focused - https://childmind.org/article/the-power-of-mindfulness

● Promoting Self-Regulation in Adolescents and Young Adults – reviews the importance of self-regulation for youth and provides guidelines for supporting self-regulation development in 14- to 25-year-olds - https://fpg.unc.edu/sites/fpg.unc.edu/files/resources/reports-and-policy-briefs/Promoting%20Self-Regulation%20in%20Adolescents%20and%20Young%20Adults.pdf

● Three Good Things – A Happiness Journal – quick daily journaling app promoting self-reflection and recognizing positive events. Best for ages 8+. - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/three-good-things-a-happiness-journal/id1242079576

● Happi Me for Young People – guided mindfulness app used to teach kids how to recognize and regulate emotions in a healthy manner. Best for ages 11 to 17. - www.happi-me.info

● Smiling Mind – daily guided meditation and mindfulness exercises for all ages to promote self-awareness and emotional balance - www.smilingmind.com.au

● Mindful Powers – a fun interactive app that addresses issues such as emotion regulation, inability to focus, stress, etc. and works with children to give them tools to address and control these issues. Best for ages 6 to 10. - https://mindfulpowersforkids.com


Sexual Health and Wellness


Social and Life Skills


Substance Abuse


Technology/Social Media

Transition Post-high School


● Rape and Abuse Crisis Center of Fargo-Moorhead (RACC) – variety of resources and handouts - www.raccfm.com

● ASK ND (app) – get immediate access to the information needed most in the event of a sexual assault in North Dakota - www.assaultservicesknowledge.org/nd

● CAWS North Dakota – a nonprofit membership organization representing the 20 domestic violence and sexual assault crisis intervention centers throughout the state - www.cawsnorthdakota.org/index.php/resources

● Prevent Child Abuse North Dakota – how to report suspected child abuse/neglect - www.pcand.org

● Talking to Children About Armed Conflict (FS636 Revised) – how adults should discuss armed conflict with youth - www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/kids-family/talking-to-children-about-armed-conflict

● Talking to Children About Terrorism (FS635 Revised) – how adults should discuss terrorism with youth - www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/yf/famsci/fs635.pdf

● Do Video Games Cause Aggressive Behavior? – information on how parents can prevent and watch for aggressive behavior associated with video games - www.childrens.com/health-wellness/do-video-games-cause-aggressive-behavior

● Violence Prevention – youth violence resources - www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/youthviolence/resources.html

● School Violence Prevention: Guidelines for Administrators and Crisis Teams – resources for creating safer schools - www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources-and-podcasts/school-climate-safety-and-crisis/school-violence-resources/school-violence-prevention/school-violence-prevention-guidelines-for-administrators-and-crisis-teams

● Dating Violence Prevention – prevention resources - http://youth.gov/youth-topics/teen-dating-violence

● How to Help Teens Dealing with Dating Violence – for educators, advocates and parents - www.violencepreventionworks.org/public/helping_teens_with_dating_violence.page

● The Real Roots of Youth Violence – TED Talk - www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWNTMmktoCQ

● A Call To Men – TED Talk - www.ted.com/talks/tony_porter_a_call_to_men

Youth Abuse and Neglect

Youth Development

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