
2021 North Dakota Livestock Research Report

(AS2040, September 2021)

Current research results and Extension programming updates for the livestock industry in North Dakota

Lead Author
Lead Author:
Kendall Swanson, North Dakota Beef and Sheep Report Editor and Professor, Department of Animal Sciences
Web only
Publication Sections


This is the 10th year that I have been the coordinator and editor of this report and I still enjoy this activity because it is an important means to report our research findings to producers and industry personnel across North Dakota and beyond.

The report has expanded its scope through the years, evolving from the North Dakota Beef Report and the North Dakota Beef and Sheep Report, and now to the North Dakota Livestock Research Report. Besides providing current research results to those who are interested, I hope that this report will continue to remind us of the quality and breadth of our livestock research, and Extension and teaching programs in North Dakota. I want to assure you that we are doing our best to provide relevant research results and Extension programming to support the beef cattle and sheep industries in North Dakota in the near and long term.

The livestock programs at the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station’s Main Station in Fargo and the Research Extension Centers across North Dakota are dedicated to serving the producers and stakeholders in North Dakota. This report includes a broad range of research that provides producers and stakeholders with one document that contains livestock-related research conducted at NDSU each year.

For this year’s report, we again are including some selected Extension programming updates. As you will see, our Extension programming covers a broad range of topics and in many cases is tightly linked with our research programs. Please consider participating in Extension events or accessing Extension publications and materials in the coming year.

I want to again thank Ellen Crawford and Deb Tanner for their great assistance in editing and formatting so that we can publish a great statewide report. Also, thanks to the contributors to the report, and to the staff and students who help with livestock research, teaching and Extension activities.

Finally, thanks to the funders of the grants that help fund the research projects and students/staff working on the projects. We truly appreciate your contributions to our research programs. Without this support, the research would not be possible.

If you should have any questions about the research reported in this report, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the authors of the individual reports. Thanks for your encouragement and support of livestock research in North Dakota.

Kendall Swanson
North Dakota Livestock Research Report Editor
Department of Animal Sciences
Phone: 701-231-6502
email: kendall.swanson@ndsu.edu