Green Computing

The group focuses on new paradigms for sustainable computing, robust backbone networks for cyber-infrastructures and social networks for large-scale information integration.

Current research themes:

Sustainable Computing

The group is examining a new paradigm entitled Energy, Data, Communication -Aware Computing (ED-CAC). The ED-CAC paradigm mandates that when developing data, task, and communications schedulers (both low and high-level), workflow managers, and higher-level application throughput maximizes, tasks (jobs), data (cache and memory), communications, and energy consumption must be treated equally important. An autonomic ED-CAC is a very challenging proposition that encompasses topics, such as scheduling theory, data management, OS, data manipulation, optimization methodologies, system programming, data staging, placement, and replication, communication theory, and systems engineering.

Robust backbone networks for cyber-infrastructures

The group is interested in studying the impact of natural and man-made disasters on multi-layer network backbones, and establishing a robust and intelligent survivability framework for provisioning quantifiable multi-faced and multi-tiered recovery across the network layers (both packet and circuit switched). The work entails the analysis of various types of activities and their affect on network backbones, developing robust routing algorithms, and conceiving distributed recovery mechanism.

Social Networking

The focus is on utilizing social networks for large-scale information integration, which can be readily deployed in situations that demand immediate attention, such as natural and man-made disasters, and search and rescue. The group is also interested in using social media for classroom instructional use, and malicious behavior detection. The aforementioned encompasses research areas, such as data mining, ontology, data manipulation, data staging, distributed systems, optimization techniques, and communication theory.

Group Members: 

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