Student Ambassadors

Trinity Atkins
Biological Sciences

M.S.| Advisor: Dr. Steve Travers
ECS track: Conservation Biology
Plants, prairie evolution

"I'm really fond of the diverse opportunities offered by the ECS program, particularly its emphasis on interdisciplinary experiences. This program opens up your chances to connect with new people and explore various paths within your field."

Alec Christensen
School of Natural Resource Sciences

M.S.| Advisor: Dr. Travis Seaborn
ECS track: Conservation Biology
Genomics, wildlife disease, mammalogy, ecology

"The aspect I enjoy the most of ECS is between exploring the variety of fields within the program and the excellent community that ECS has to offer."

Jordan Dahle
Biological Sciences

Ph.D.| Advisor: Dr. Ben Laabs
ECS track: Environmental Science
Paleoclimate, GIS and remote sensing, glacial geology

"ECS fosters an amazing collaborative learning environment, where researchers from a wide array of disciplines are able to share ideas and innovate. As an ECS student, I have been encouraged to explore new topics, allowing me to broaden the scope and depth of my research."

Molly Johnson
Biological Sciences

M.S.| Advisor: Dr. Craig Stockwell
ECS track: Conservation Biology
Behavior, predator-prey, chemical alarm cues, ecology, fish

"I am really enjoying the community aspect of ECS and the involvement of professors in our learning. I really like the people in my lab and how open they are to working with me on research."

Sekhar MA
Biological Sciences

Ph.D.| Advisor: Dr. Ned Dochtermann
ECS track: Conservation Biology
Animal behavior, behavioral syndromes and plasticity, sensory ecology, conservation biology

"Being an ECS student helps me to explore a variety of topics in depth through constant support and valuable guidance. The multidisciplinary research structure of ECS enables students to pursue the questions that they find interesting in a systematic manner."

Haley Mosqueda
Plant Sciences

Ph.D.| Advisor: Dr. Marisol Berti
ECS track: Conservation Biology
Plants, agriculture, production, intercropping, biodiversity

"As a plant science student in the ECS program, I enjoy that I get to attend seminars and learn about research that is going on in completely different fields of science. I'm able to open myself up to broader ideas and scopes of my own field by being able to incorporate the environmental and conservation aspects of agricultural production andmanagement."

Bridger Scraper
Biological Sciences

M.S.| Advisor: Dr. Craig Stockwell
ECS track: Conservation Biology
Invertebrate, predator-prey, springs, pupfish, dragonfly

"ECS is a great program for students interested in exploring a variety of fields within the realm of Environmental Conservation Sciences. Flexibility within the program gives students the opportunity to take cross-disciplinary courses that still count towards your graduate degree!"

Aaron Semington
Biological Sciences

M.S.| Advisor: Dr. Laura Aldrich-Wolfe
ECS track: Conservation Biology
Soil mychorrizal fungi, climate change adaptation, plant-fungi symbioses

"I love the open-ended qualities of this program. There is an inherent flexibility in grad programs, but I feel like ECS takes it a step further. I can take art courses, completely outside my area of study, and I am able to fit them into my schedule no problem. All you have to do is ask!"

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