Leadership Development

Welcome to NDSU Leadership Development home page! The Office of Student Engagement creates educationally purposeful experiences for students that promote leadership, involvement, and success. Through partnerships, programs and activities students receive intentional training and skill development to prepare them for the real world. The intention is to offer students a framework for making strategic decisions in an effective and efficient manner.

Leadership Programs

We are excited to offer NDSU students a number of outstanding leadership programs for all skill levels and backgrounds! If you wish to be involved with the planning and implementation process for any of the programs, email robert.t.jones@ndsu.edu  or call (701) 231-8242 for more information.

NDSU Leadership programs:

Leadership on the Go

Let us bring the leadership to you! Our Leadership on the Go program is tailored to meet your needs. We are in the process of creating a list of sessions we have ready to go, however we are not afraid to customize a session for you that is not on our list. Reach out to today to get started on creating a meaning full leadership session for your student organization, class, or  department.

Summer Leadership Institute (SLI)

SLI is geared towards all incoming students and will help them get acclimated to NDSU and to get involved early in their college career.

Offered every Summer semester - Learn more about Summer Leadership Institute

HAVE QUESTIONS? Please Contact Us

Robert Jones
Assistant Director, Student Involvement and Leadership
(701) 231-8242

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