Sept. 1, 2023

NDSU microbiological sciences to host fall seminar


This year’s microbiological sciences fall seminar series will feature Kurt Dahlstrom, assistant professor of microbiology at the University of Georgia.

Dahlstrom’s presentation, “How Do Microbes Choose Their Neighbors?” will be held in Van Es Hall room 101 on Friday, Sept. 8, at 3 p.m.

Dahlstrom grew up on a grain farm just outside of Hillsboro, North Dakota. He pursued his undergraduate degree in biological sciences from the University of Chicago, and earned a doctorate in microbiology from the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth in the lab of George O'Toole.

He was subsequently a Life Science Research Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology in the lab of Dianne Newman with the goal of understanding how microbial communities form and organize themselves.

The Dahlstrom lab is interested in how microbes choose their neighbors. There is a competition among microbes to control the composition of a microbial community through the production of natural antimicrobial molecules, and the species composition of these communities determines the impact they have on humans, plants and the habitability of the Earth.

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