May 6, 2015

NDSU faculty, students design Hjemkomst exhibit


The Hjemkomst Center in Moorhead is scheduled to feature "American Dreams: Immigrants Carved Out Their Place on North Dakota’s Plains," an exhibit designed and curated by Angela Smith, assistant professor and public history director, and students in her Intro to Museum Studies class. The exhibit is scheduled to open Wednesday, May 13, and continue until August.

The exhibit interprets the Father William Sherman Collection, part of the Germans From Russia Heritage Collection at NDSU. During the early 1970s, Sherman, a priest and sociologist, traveled across central and western North Dakota to document the condition, architecture and property configuration for homesteads established by immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The exhibit uses the Sherman Collection as a lens to view the vibrant immigrant past of North Dakota. The exhibit aims to educate and inform the public, and asks visitors to connect the immigrant past to the change that continues in North Dakota.

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