March 23, 2023

NDSU Extension to host horse management webinar series


Horse owners and stable managers will have the opportunity to learn management strategies and ask questions during a webinar series hosted by NDSU Extension at noon on April 12, 19, 26 and May 3.

Topics will include grazing considerations for spring and early summer, fencing for horses, considerations for traveling with your horse, and arena and barn footing management.

“Management of your grazing resources early in the year can help you extend the grazing season while making sure your horse is getting the best nutrition at appropriate times,” said Rachel Wald, NDSU Extension’s agriculture and natural resources agent in McHenry County. “Some of the best practices include resting pastures and allowing for regrowth between grazing events and to have a plan before turnout to allow for adequate rest on grazed acres.”

“Learning about various fencing strategies for horses can help us be effective and efficient with managing feed resources,” said Mary Keena, Extension livestock environmental management specialist at NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center. “Fencing strategies can also help with manure and parasite management.”

“As summer rolls around, horse owners are more frequently hauling their horse to events across the state and nation,” said Paige Brummund, NDSU Extension’s agriculture and natural resources agent in Ward County. “All horse owners should know the best management practices for traveling with their horse. Additionally, managing the footing materials and surfaces of riding areas and horse housing facilities is important. Ensuring good drainage, the proper amount of cushion and grip are all key factors in selecting footing materials.”

The webinar presenters are NDSU Extension specialists and agents.

Visit Extension's horse management webinar page to register.

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