Dr. Zhulu Lin

Zhulu Lin, Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
North Dakota State University
Ladd Hall 104C
NDSU Dept. 7620
PO Box 6050
Fargo ND 58108-6050
Phone: 701-231-7118
E-mail: zhulu.lin@ndsu.edu
- Ph.D. Water and Soil Resources, University of Georgia
- M.S. Statistics, University of Georgia
- M.S. Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science & Technology, Shanghai, China
- B.S. Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science & Technology, Shanghai, China
- Teaching (40%)
- Research (60%)
Areas of Expertise
- Surface and subsurface hydrology and modeling
- Soil and water resources management
- Environmental systems analysis
- Risk identifications and assessment
Current Research Projects
- Lin, Z. (PI), S.H. Lim. A decentralized optimization model for groundwater allocation and management at the Bakken Shale in western North Dakota, National Science Foundation’s Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program, $249,423, 8/2014-7/2016.
- Lin, Z. (PI), B. Schatz, D. Ripplinger, M. Ostlie, J. Teboh, A.-M. Fortuna. Soil health and water quality impacts of growing energy beets for advanced biofuel production in North-Central United States, United States Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture Foundational Program, $443,709, 9/2013-8/2017.
- Zheng, H. (PI), Z. Lin, X. Zhang. Evaluating how market and policy affect cellulosic biofuel feedstock production in marginal land of Upper Midwest and its consequences on water sustainability in a changing climate, United States Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture Bioenergy Challenge Program, $555,000, 9/2013-8/2016.
- DeSutter, T. (PI), D. Franzen, D. Roberts, J. Hadrich, F. Casey, L. Cihacek, A.-M. Fortuna, D. Steele, Z. Lin, D. Clay, S. Clay, G. Carlson, D. Malo, K. Reitsma. Drainage, plant type, cover crops mixtures, soil amendments, and residue cover impacts on water quality and productivity in the Northern Great Plains, NRCS National CIG grant, $915,785, 9/2012-8/2015.
- Lin, Z. (PI), G. Padmanabhan. Application of SWAT for estimating nutrient loads to Lake Ashtabula (ND) under different climate scenarios, North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute Graduate Research Fellow, $4,500, 3/2013-2/2014.
Professional Memberships
- American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
- American Water Resources Association (AWRA)
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- The Honor Society of Agriculture (Gamma Sigma Delta)
Courses Taught
- ABEN 110 Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- ABEN 377 Finite Element Analysis in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- ABEN 444/644 Transport Processes in Biological and Environmental Systems
- ABEN 747 Numerical Modeling of Environmental and Biological Systems
- ABEN 765 Small Watershed Hydrology and Modeling