
Grant County Communication Arts Contest

- mdt

Communication Arts categories are:

Demonstrations are presentations that show how to do something, how to make something or how something works and may display a finished product.

Illustrated Talks are similar to demonstrations in that they involved visual aids. Charts, posters, figures, or real objects are used to explain an idea or procedure.

Speech – A Prepared Speech is composed by the presenter. An Impromptu Speech is a short speech given without advanced preparation for a topic drawn by the participants when they enter the room.

Interpretive Reading (humorous and serious) are readings that are oral presentations of works taken from any published source, including poetry, fiction, children’s literature, news, articles, speeches, letters, and journals. Interpretive readings are readings, not memorized speeches.

Dramatic Presentations are based on an original or published piece performed in a creative, inspiring, or thought-provoking manner.

Mass Media Presentation (broadcasting, commercials) to convince an audience to buy an idea or product, or join 4-H. The product may be read or fictional.

Electronic Presentation (video, website design and software presentation) Participants may create a video, website, or presentation from software of their choice on any topic. Participants should introduce their presentation.

Fish Tank: Youth Entrepreneurship - this category is for youth entrepreneurs. Youth who have started a business are encouraged to enter this category to inform and sell their idea.

Cloverbud – this is a noncompetitive category for Cloverbud members to experience public presentations.  They may do a recitation or short presentation similar to the other categories for 4-H members with no minimum time limit.

More information can be found here: https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/extension/extension-topics/4-h-youth-development/members-volunteers/contests/communication-arts


Contact Information

Contact Information

Tessa Osterbauer

Requests for accommodations related to disability should be made to the event contact person at least two weeks in advance of the event.