Animal Core Facility
The animal Core facility is established to foster excellence in pancreatic cancer research of junior investigators and other biomedical researchers of the campus.
The Core services include:
- Animal care
- Protocol development
- Training for researchers
- Adherence to IACUC regulation
Animal Core Director
John Wilkinson
Animal Facility Coordinator
Shashi Bhushan
Animal Core Technician
Camille Wienhold
Animal Core Facility Fee Structure
- Manager: $34.70/hr
- Injections: $1.25 each
- Weights: time
- Daily welfare/food and water checks: $1/cage/week of study
- Gavage: $6 each
- Blood draw: $6 each
- Tumor measurements: time
- Ultrasound: time
- Organ/tumor harvest: time
- Protocol/manuscript/grant writing: time
- Researching and ordering specialty supplies: time
Per Diem
- .95/day: includes bedding, food, water, cage washing, room and IVC rack consumables
CORE Facility will also stock/order commonly-used consumables (upon request).