Welcome to the NDSU Counseling Center

Welcome, NDSU students!

We are happy you have chosen to take a step toward your emotional health and well-being. The NDSU Counseling Center provides a confidential setting in which students may explore concerns of a personal/emotional nature; makes referrals; and serves as consultants for faculty and staff. Students in counseling can explore a variety of concerns which may prevent them from functioning at their optimum levels.

We are sensitive to the needs of students of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, diverse backgrounds, cultures, ethnic groups, ages, and ability, and are LGBTQ+ affirming. Please see our Mission Statement page for our commitment to anti-racism. 

NDSU Counseling Center Video--"You Are Not Alone"
Upcoming Events, Workshops and Announcements


The President’s Council for Campus Well-Being (PCCW) is excited to announce the upcoming Bison Strong: Suicide Prevention Week (September 22-27). All members of the NDSU campus-community are invited to take part in Bison Strong: Suicide Prevention Week events. 

The Counseling Center is encouraging members of the  NDSU community to take part in the events planned for the Bison Strong – Suicide Prevention Week (September 22-We know that mental health concerns are common on university campuses across the country, being a part of the lives of many students, faculty members, and staff members (as well as with family and friends of each of us outside the University).  Educating yourself on how to recognize mental health concerns in others, on how to talk to others about what you have observed, and on how to help others (or yourself) find treatment can go a long way toward preventing these concerns from having negative affects on peoples’ lives.  Catching concerns early is a major factor in preventing suicides, and each of us can play an important role in helping our fellow NDSU community members stay healthy and safe.

Detailed information about the events, and how to register to participate, can be found here or the QR code below:



Counseling Center Quick Links

North Dakota State University Counseling Center
Location: 212 Ceres Hall
Mailing Address: NDSU Dept. 2841, P.O. Box 6050 Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Phone: (701) 231-7671
ND Relay: (800) 366-6888
Fax: (701) 231-6318
For emergency/crisis contact information, please see our Crisis Intervention Page

*EMAIL DISCLAIMER: We discourage people from contacting us via e-mail regarding personal problems. The nature of e-mail is such that we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of your correspondence, nor do we find e-mail communications as useful as in-depth, face-to-face contact. Moreover, we cannot guarantee that we will read e-mail right away or respond in a timely fashion.

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