Early Childhood

Health and Well-Being in North Dakota CLOSEUP - Featuring Health and Well-Being Issues from a Social Determinants of Health Perspective: A Focus on Maternal Health & Well-Being in North Dakota - NDSU Center for Social Research Report No. 112 (June 2024)This first edition of the CLOSEUP focuses on the health of women and mothers in North Dakota – and factors contributing to their overall health and well-being.
North Dakota Child Care Provider Report: Market Rate and Narrow Cost Analysis Survey Findings -
NDSU Center for Social Research Report No. 111 (July 2024)
The Center for Social Research (CSR) at NDSU was contracted by the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) team in spring 2023 to conduct its annual market rate survey and narrow cost analysis to determine reimbursement rates for participants in the Child Care Assistance Program. This rate determination process is overseen by the federal government and administered by the state, using data gathered from child care providers to calculate the best-fitting reimbursements for parents who require assistance to afford child care.
Home Visiting Program Needs Assessment (2011)
The Well-Being of North Dakota's Infants and Toddlers - Presentation at the ND Legislative Leadership Institute (2011)