2011 Research

North Dakota Legislative Leadership Institute Presentation. The North Dakota Legislative Leadership Institute on Child Development Research and Policy was held in Bismarck, ND, September 12-14, 2011. The PowerPoint Presentation and accompanying Briefing Points on "The Well-Being of North Dakota's Infants and Toddlers" were presented at this institute.
View Slide Presentation
View Briefing Points

PartnerSHIP 4 Health 2009-2011: Wilkin County, Minnesota (September 2011) (2.1 MB, 33 pages)
This report, “PartnerSHIP 4 Health 2009-2011: Wilkin County, Minnesota” is an evaluation of the five health initiatives that were implemented in Wilkin County, Minnesota, from June 2009 through June 2011. The initiatives studied are community and school physical activity, school nutrition, worksite wellness, and healthcare guideline implementation.

PartnerSHIP 4 Health 2009-2011: Becker County, Minnesota (September 2011) (1.9 MB, 34 pages)
This report, “PartnerSHIP 4 Health 2009-2011: Becker County, Minnesota” is an evaluation of the five health initiatives that were implemented in Becker County, Minnesota, from June 2009 through June 2011. The initiatives studied are community and school physical activity, school nutrition, worksite wellness, and healthcare guideline implementation.

PartnerSHIP 4 Health 2009-2011: Clay County, Minnesota (September 2011) (1.9 MB, 33 pages)
This report, “PartnerSHIP 4 Health 2009-2011: Clay County, Minnesota” is an evaluation of the five health initiatives that were implemented in Clay County, Minnesota, from June 2009 through June 2011. The initiatives studied are community and school physical activity, school nutrition, worksite wellness, and healthcare guideline implementation.

PartnerSHIP 4 Health 2009-2011: Otter Tail County, Minnesota (September 2011) (2.1 MB, 34 pages)
This report, “PartnerSHIP 4 Health 2009-2011: Otter Tail County, Minnesota” is an evaluation of the five health initiatives that were implemented in Otter tail County, Minnesota, from June 2009 through June 2011. The initiatives studied are community and school physical activity, school nutrition, worksite wellness, and healthcare guideline implementation.

Status of Women and Children in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area (July 2011) (672 KB, 21 pages)
This report was prepared for the Fargo-Moorhead Area Foundation in an effort to assess and track the status of women and children in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area which is comprised of Cass County in North Dakota and Clay County in Minnesota.

North Dakota Strategic Planning Database Website: 2011 Survey of Stakeholders
(May 2011) (960 KB, 34 pages)
This report presents findings of a survey of key stakeholders across North Dakota regarding the value of the pilot strategic planning database that was created with the hope of enhancing the viability of communities through cooperative ventures that nurture and promote resource sharing. The survey explored the perception of need for a database, the ability of the database to increase collaboration, the usability of the database, and willingness to participate in the future.

North Dakota Strategic Planning Community Assessment: 2007 Survey Results - Findings from the North Dakota Strategic Planning Research Project (October 2007) (819 KB, 95 pages)
Presents results of a survey to gather information from communities with less than 2,500 people across North Dakota about priorities and planning activities regarding four main strategic planning topics: Community Development, Economic Development, Natural Resources, and Emergency Management, as well as information about strategic planning barriers.

North Dakota Strategic Planning Profile - Findings from the North Dakota Strategic Planning Research Project
(October 2007) (3.06 MB, 60 pages)
Presents the initial findings from the North Dakota strategic planning database. It provides a list of the communities currently involved in the research project along with the themes represented among the goals and objectives of each community's strategic plan. It also includes maps to aid in identifying the commonalities of themes among participating geographies across the state. This report also presents the findings of a short survey conducted in April 2007 designed to gain insight into the current status of the strategic plans in the database.

Active Living Study for the City of Breckenridge, Minnesota: Results of a September 2010 Survey of Breckenridge Residents
(April 2011) (1.4 MB, 38 pages)
The key objective of this study was for the Becker, Clay, Otter Tail, and Wilkin County Minnesota Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) to explore ways in which the City of Breckenridge can create an environment that encourages its residents to become and stay active through choices in their daily routines.

Active Living Study for the City of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota: Results of a September 2010 Survey of Detroit Lakes Residents (April 2011) (1.4 MB, 42 pages)
The key objective of this study was for the Becker, Clay, Otter Tail, and Wilkin County Minnesota Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) to explore ways in which the City of Detroit Lakes can create an environment that encourages its residents to become and stay active through choices in their daily routines.

Active Living Study for the City of Dilworth, Minnesota: Results of a September 2010 Survey of Dilworth Residents (April 2011) (1.3 MB, 38 pages)
The key objective of this study was for the Becker, Clay, Otter Tail, and Wilkin County Minnesota Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) to explore ways in which the City of Dilworth can create an environment that encourages its residents to become and stay active through choices in their daily routines.

Active Living Study for the City of Perham, Minnesota: Results of a September 2010 Survey of Perham Residents (April 2011) (1.3 MB, 37 pages)
The key objective of this study was for the Becker, Clay, Otter Tail, and Wilkin County Minnesota Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) to explore ways in which the City of Perham can create an environment that encourages its residents to become and stay active through choices in their daily routines.

Lactation Education Needs Assessment Survey, 2010 (April 2011) (2.6 MB, 43 pages)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a need for lactation education opportunities in the tri-state area of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The study also looked at attitudes, perceptions, and barriers regarding lactation education. A market analysis, with a focus on further exploration of needs and barriers for lactation education, is also included in this report. Data were collected in December 2010. This study was made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health Statewide Health Improvement Program. The study was conducted by the North Dakota State Data Center (NDSDC) on behalf of Otter Tail County Public Health in Minnesota.

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program Needs Assessment (Posted April 2011) (3.5 MB, 86 pages)
This document is a Supplemental Information Request for the Submission of the Statewide Needs Assessment by the North Dakota Department of Health. (The North Dakota Five-Year Needs Assessment (2011-2015) for the Maternal and Child Health Services Title V Block Grant Program is a publication of the ND Department of Health for the Division of Children's Special Health Serfvices, Division of Family Health, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity, and the Division of Injury Prevention and Control.) The North Dakota State Data Center was responsible for analyzing and presenting the data in the report, from pgs. 4-68, 77-78.

North Dakota Five-Year Needs Assessment (2011-2015) for the Maternal and Child Health Services Title V Block Grant Program (Posted April 2011) (6.64 MB, 204 pages)
The North Dakota Five-Year Needs Assessment (2011-2015) for the Maternal and Child Health Services Title V Block Grant Program is a publication of the ND Department of Health for the Division of Children's Special Health Services, Division of Family Health, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity, and the Division of Injury Prevention and Control. The North Dakota State Data Center was responsible for analyzing and presenting the data in the section entitled "Strengths and Needs of the Maternal and Child Health Population Groups and Desired Outcomes," from pgs. 36-154.
View Executive Summary

Community of Care Follow-Up Survey: 2010 Results (February 2011) (2.4 MB, 39 pages)
This report, entitled Community of Care Follow-up Survey: 2010 Results, presents findings of a survey of residents of rural Cass County North Dakota regarding perceptions and attitudes related to meeting the needs of seniors and disabled persons. The report also compares the 2010 results to the baseline survey results gathered in 2003.
For the Community of Case Baseline Survey 2003 Report click here.
2010 Research

Safe Routes to School: Survey Results of Students in Breckenridge, Minnesota
(October 2010) (.7 MB, 25 pages)
The Safe Routes to School study is part of the Becker, Clay, Otter Tail, and Wilkin County Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) initiative. The research findings presented in this report will give city leaders, policy makers, and school administrators in Breckenridge, MN, insight into student perceptions regarding safe routes to school and barriers that prevent students from walking or bicycling to and from school.

The Economic Impact of the 2008 Fargo and West Fargo Smoking Bans: A 2010 analysis of tax and survey data to assess the economic impact of the current smoking bans on bars in Fargo and West Fargo, North Dakota
(June 2010) (3.51 MB, 92 pages)
The purpose of this project is to assess the economic impact of the July 1, 2008, comprehensive smoking bans on businesses, specifically bars, within Fargo and West Fargo. Our approach was threefold. First, we conducted a horizontal and vertical analysis of the Accommodation and Food Services industries in Fargo, West Fargo, and Grand Forks. Second, we conducted a regression analysis of the tax data for these industries in Fargo and West Fargo. These first two sections took a macroeconomic approach and utilized tax data for Fargo and West Fargo. The city of Grand Forks, which allowed smoking in bars at the time of our study, served as a benchmark for the horizontal and vertical analysis. Third, we conducted a random survey of bar employees in Fargo and West Fargo to determine perceptions of changes in drinking establishments in the last two years.
View Briefing Points

Minnesota Nonprofit Sector Study - An Analysis of the Minnesota Nonprofit Sector: Challenges and Opportunities
(March 2010) (2.4 MB, 118 pages)
The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of the impact of the nonprofit sector in the state of Minnesota, to investigate where scarce resources are being dedicated throughout the charitable sphere, and to determine if that investment is effectively and efficiently delivered. This project also serves to guide future efforts aimed at nonprofit sector performance improvement and to help the nonprofit sector achieve the greatest possible societal impact within the state.
View Briefing Points of Study Results (March 2010)
View related Presentation on "Nonprofit Sector in North Dakota: Challenges and Opportunities" - (April 2010)

North Dakota Head Start State Collaboration Office Needs Assessment: 2009-2010 Survey Results (April 2010) (2.28 MB, 103 pages)
This report presents the results of the 2009-2010 needs assessment and is a follow-up to the first study conducted in 2008-2009. This report presents findings from a survey of staff and directors representing 11 Head Start programs serving North Dakota children and families for the school year 2009-2010. The purpose of the survey was to gather information for a site-based assessment of Head Start programs with specific focus on cooperation, coordination, and collaboration within nine key activity areas.

Minnesota Health Profile: A Chartbook for Health Status and Health Care Indicators Comparing Minnesota to North Dakota and the Nation
(March 2010) (.97 MB, 39 pages)
This report serves as a brief overview of the health status of Minnesotans and the quality of health care within the state. It was designed as a comparative tool, thus information also is provided for the neighboring state of North Dakota and the nation. The primary purpose of the document is to offer decision makers a contextual snapshot of current health circumstances within the state and the corresponding environment in which health care is delivered.
View only the Tables of the Minnesota Health Profile Report (March 2010)

North Dakota Birth Defects Monitoring System Summary Report 2001-2005
(March 2010) (6.33 MB, 111 pages)
This publication presents an analysis of birth defects in North Dakota from 2001 through 2005. In addition to this analysis, information regarding population characteristics for North Dakota also is provided, as well as characteristics of live births, pregnancy, and death data. -Revised version with corrected definition of fetal death (pgs. 17, 23, and 24), corrected proportions/descriptions (pgs. 27, 50, 58), and higher resolution posted 9/20/2011

Childhood Needs Assessment for Cass-Clay: Focusing on Family and Youth
(February 2010) (2.42 MB, 81 pages)
The purpose of this report was to provide an assessment of the needs of people within the Fargo-Moorhead (F/M) metropolitan area in order to provide context for the United Way of Cass-Clay (UWCC) and their strategic planning process.
View related Presentation on "Cass-Clay Needs Assessment: Focus on Families and Youth" (March 2010)
2009 Research

Active in Moorhead (AIM) Partnership: 2009 Resident Survey Results
(September 2009) (1.77 MB, 78 pages)
The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of Moorhead residents’ behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions associated with active living in the City of Moorhead. The AIM partnership, a partnership between Clay County Public Health, the City of Moorhead, and the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG), is exploring how the city of Moorhead can create an environment that encourages its residents to become active and stay active through choices in their daily routines. The AIM partnership received funding for this study from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, who also is encouraging a lifestyle that integrates physical activity into daily lives.

Safe Routes to School: 2008 Survey Results of Parents and Students, Fargo and West Fargo, North Dakota, and Moorhead, Dilworth, and Glyndon, Minnesota
(August 2009) (3.86 MB, 152 pages)
The research findings presented in this report will give city leaders, policy makers, and school administrators insight into student and parent perceptions regarding safe routes to school and barriers that prevent students from walking or bicycling to and from school. This study was designed as a collaborative project intended to offer a city-wide perspective of all Fargo public schools. Through the efforts and support of the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG), West Fargo, Moorhead, Dilworth, and Glyndon public schools were included in the study.

2009 Evaluation of Parenting the First Year Newsletter
(July 2009) (568 KB, 35 pages)
This report presents the findings from surveys sent to new parents in North Dakota. The purpose of the surveys was to gather information from new parents in North Dakota regarding the usefulness, appeal, barriers, and preferences to reading the North Dakota Department of Health, Division of Family Health, Parenting the First Year newsletter. The findings presented in this report will be used by the North Dakota Department of Health, Division of Family Health, to make informed decisions to improve the publication.

North Dakota Head Start State Collaboration Office Needs Assessment: 2009-2010 Survey Results
(April 2010) (2.28 MB, 103 pages)
This report presents the results of the 2009-2010 needs assessment and is a follow-up to the first study conducted in 2008-2009. This report presents findings from a survey of staff and directors representing 11 Head Start programs serving North Dakota children and families for the school year 2009-2010. The purpose of the survey was to gather information for a site-based assessment of Head Start programs with specific focus on cooperation, coordination, and collaboration within nine key activity areas.

Minnesota Nonprofit Sector Study - An Analysis of the Minnesota Nonprofit Sector: Challenges and Opportunities
(March 2010) (2.4 MB, 118 pages)
The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of the impact of the nonprofit sector in the state of Minnesota, to investigate where scarce resources are being dedicated throughout the charitable sphere, and to determine if that investment is effectively and efficiently delivered. This project also serves to guide future efforts aimed at nonprofit sector performance improvement and to help the nonprofit sector achieve the greatest possible societal impact within the state.
View Briefing Points of Study Results (March 2010)
View related Presentation on "Nonprofit Sector in North Dakota: Challenges and Opportunities" - (April 2010)
2008 Research

North Dakota PRAMS - 2002 Survey Results
(December 2004) (936 KB, 110 pages)
The overall goal of the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) is to reduce infant morbidity and mortality by impacting policies and maternal behaviors during pregnancy and early infancy. A survey was completed between two and four months after delivery by 909 randomly selected North Dakota mothers who gave birth in 2002. Results of the North Dakota point-in-time study were released December 2004.
For more information on this project, visit the North Dakota Department of Health.

PRAM-O-GRAM Two-Page Fact Sheet Series: (#1) North Dakota Birth Trends
(August 2007)
PRAM-O-GRAMs, a series of nine two-page fact sheets highlighting findings from the 2002 PRAMS study were published in 2007 and 2008.

PRAM-O-GRAM Two-Page Fact Sheet Series: (#2) Pregnancy Intendedness
(August 2007)
PRAM-O-GRAMs, a series of nine two-page fact sheets highlighting findings from the 2002 PRAMS study were published in 2007 and 2008.

PRAM-O-GRAM Two-Page Fact Sheet Series: (#3) Prenatal and Postpartum Issues
(December 2007)
PRAM-O-GRAMs, a series of nine two-page fact sheets highlighting findings from the 2002 PRAMS study were published in 2007 and 2008.

PRAM-O-GRAM Two-Page Fact Sheet Series: (#4) Discussions With Health Care Workers During Prenatal Care Visits
(December 2007)
PRAM-O-GRAMs, a series of nine two-page fact sheets highlighting findings from the 2002 PRAMS study were published in 2007 and 2008.

PRAM-O-GRAM Two-Page Fact Sheet Series: (#5) Maternal Health Characteristics
(December 2007)
PRAM-O-GRAMs, a series of nine two-page fact sheets highlighting findings from the 2002 PRAMS study were published in 2007 and 2008.

PRAM-O-GRAM Two-Page Fact Sheet Series: (#6) Maternal Use of Alcohol and Tobacco
(December 2008)
PRAM-O-GRAMs, a series of nine two-page fact sheets highlighting findings from the 2002 PRAMS study were published in 2007 and 2008.

PRAM-O-GRAM Two-Page Fact Sheet Series: (#7) Prenatal Stress and Complications
(December 2008)
PRAM-O-GRAMs, a series of nine two-page fact sheets highlighting findings from the 2002 PRAMS study were published in 2007 and 2008.

PRAM-O-GRAM Two-Page Fact Sheet Series: (#8) Infant Health and Services
(December 2008)
PRAM-O-GRAMs, a series of nine two-page fact sheets highlighting findings from the 2002 PRAMS study were published in 2007 and 2008.

PRAM-O-GRAM Two-Page Fact Sheet Series: (#9) Breastfeeding
(December 2008)
PRAM-O-GRAMs, a series of nine two-page fact sheets highlighting findings from the 2002 PRAMS study were published in 2007 and 2008.

Licensed Child Care Dismissal Study
(October 2007, revised May 2008) (778 KB, 35 pages)
Presents results of a September 2007 survey of licensed child care providers in North Dakota conducted for North Dakota Child Care Resource and Referral. The study was designed to gather information regarding the extent to which children are dismissed from child care programs in North Dakota and the reasons surrounding their dismissal. The results will give policy makers and child care administrators insight into the magnitude of the issue and a clearer understanding of what is contributing to the issue. Information will also assist decision makers in defining needs for supportive services.
View Presentation of Survey Results (April 2008)

Community Alcohol Readiness Study: 2006 Student Survey Results
(February 2008) (8.89 MB, 80 pages)
This report presents the results of the 2006 survey of students in grades 7 through 12 in the Fargo Public School District. As part of the Community Alcohol Readiness study, the purpose of the research is to increase understanding of students' and adults' attitudes and perceptions associated with underage drinking and to provide objective data that can be used by decision makers to explore strategies to combat underage drinking.
View Briefing Points of Survey Results (February 2008)
This report is a follow-up to Mayor's Task Force Community Readiness Student Survey: 2001.

Community Alcohol Readiness Study: 2006 Adult Survey Results
(February 2008) (3.68 MB, 106 pages)
This report presents the results of the 2006 survey of adults in Fargo, North Dakota. As part of the Community Alcohol Readiness study, the purpose of the research is to increase understanding of students' and adults' attitudes and perceptions associated with underage drinking and to provide objective data that can be used by decision makers to explore strategies to combat underage drinking.
View Briefing Points of Survey Results (February 2008)
This report is a follow-up to Mayor's Task Force Community Readiness Adult Survey: 2001.
2007 Research

Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) Study: 2007 Survey Results
(December 2007) (1.19 MB, 54 pages)
This study focuses on information from health care providers in Cass County, North Dakota, and Clay County, Minnesota, regarding their current practices, barriers, and opportunities in identifying mental health concerns among children ages 0 to 5. Funding was provided by the 2007 Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) planning grant through the American Academy of Pediatrics. The goal of the CATCH grant is for all children in all communities to have a medical home and other necessary services in order to reach optimal health and well-being.
View Briefing Points of Survey Results

2007 Housing Demand Analysis for Wimbledon, North Dakota
(November 2007) (800 KB, 53 pages)
A detailed housing analysis was conducted for the Wimbledon Housing and Redevelopment Authority to determine future housing needs within the community and its surrounding community service area. The report includes historical demographic and economic trends, projections from a housing forecast model, results of a generalizable housing survey of residents, and recommendations for future housing development strategies.
View Briefing Points

North Dakota Strategic Planning Database Website: 2011 Survey of Stakeholders
(May 2011) (960 KB, 34 pages)
This report presents findings of a survey of key stakeholders across North Dakota regarding the value of the pilot strategic planning database that was created with the hope of enhancing the viability of communities through cooperative ventures that nurture and promote resource sharing. The survey explored the perception of need for a database, the ability of the database to increase collaboration, the usability of the database, and willingness to participate in the future.

North Dakota Strategic Planning Community Assessment: 2007 Survey Results - Findings from the North Dakota Strategic Planning Research Project
(October 2007) (819 KB, 95 pages)
Presents results of a survey to gather information from communities with less than 2,500 people across North Dakota about priorities and planning activities regarding four main strategic planning topics: Community Development, Economic Development, Natural Resources, and Emergency Management, as well as information about strategic planning barriers.

North Dakota Strategic Planning Profile - Findings from the North Dakota Strategic Planning Research Project
(October 2007) (3.06 MB, 60 pages)
Presents the initial findings from the North Dakota strategic planning database. It provides a list of the communities currently involved in the research project along with the themes represented among the goals and objectives of each community's strategic plan. It also includes maps to aid in identifying the commonalities of themes among participating geographies across the state. This report also presents the findings of a short survey conducted in April 2007 designed to gain insight into the current status of the strategic plans in the database.

Environmental Health Survey for Central and Western Minnesota: June 2007 Survey Results
(September 2007) (2.69 MB, 109 pages)
This report presents detailed results of the 2007 Collaborative Assessment for Eight Central and Western Minnesota Counties presenting attitudes and perceptions regarding environmental health and emergency preparedness issues.

2006 Wage Comparability Study: North Dakota Head Start and Early Head Start
(March 2007) (104 KB, 20 pages)
The purpose of this report is to provide North Dakota Head Start and Early Head Start administrators a tool for objectively evaluating the wages and salaries of their staff relative to other Head Start programs in the state. The data are based on wage and salary reports supplied by 12 Head Start and Early Head Start programs throughout North Dakota for the program year 2006. Comparable wage/salary analysis has been conducted using data from three independent sources: Job Service North Dakota, Head Start Program Information Reports, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2006 MSUM Secondhand Smoke Study of Students and Faculty/Staff
(February 2007) (9.03 MB, 91 pages)
This is one of two parts to a study commissioned by Clay County Public Health. Two surveys were conducted at Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) - one with students and one with faculty/staff. The study gathered information from the campus community regarding attitude and behaviors toward tobacco use and issues pertaining to smoking and secondhand smoke policies.
View Highlights of Survey Results (February 2007)
View Presentation of Survey Results (February 2007)
View Briefing Points of Survey Results (February 2007)

2006 MSUM Secondhand Smoke Study of Students and Faculty/Staff
(February 2007) (9.03 MB, 91 pages)
This is one of two parts to a study commissioned by Clay County Public Health. Two surveys were conducted at Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) - one with students and one with faculty/staff. The study gathered information from the campus community regarding attitude and behaviors toward tobacco use and issues pertaining to smoking and secondhand smoke policies.
View Highlights of Survey Results (February 2007)
View Presentation of Survey Results (February 2007)
View Briefing Points of Survey Results (February 2007)

The Economic Impact of the Senior Population on a State's Economy: The Case of North Dakota
(January 2007) (916 KB, 40 pages)
This study addresses the changing age profile of North Dakota and the consequences it poses over the next 15 years. In particular, it focuses on the rapidly growing elderly population in the state and its impact on income generation. This is accomplished by using an economic simulation model to develop scenarios of income generation in North Dakota based on historical patterns. In brief, the model was designed to answer the question, “What will the distribution of income over the next 10 to 15 years look like if the current pattern of age-specific earnings continues into the future unchanged?” The goal of this research is to offer decision makers insight into how the state’s shifting age distribution will alter the type of income that is generated and its corresponding consequences. It is hoped that these results will spur debate and motivate policy makers to be proactive in finding innovative solutions that will mitigate the negative impacts that are forecast.

Northwest Area Foundation Horizons Program Community Profiles
Six-page community profiles were generated for the Northwest Area Foundation Horizons Program to assist in understanding poverty. A total of 25 profiles generated in 2007 cover 21 communities and eight zip codes in North Dakota. A total of nine profiles generated in 2004 cover six North Dakota communities, two Minnesota communities, and one South Dakota community.
Table 1. Demographic Characteristics
Table 2. Housing Characteristics
Table 3. Income and Poverty Characteristics
Table 4. Religious Congregation and Membership Characteristics
Table 5. Health Characteristics
Table 6. Labor Force Characteristics
Table 7. Employment Characteristics
Table 8. Educational Attainment Characteristics
Table 9. School District Characteristics
Cando, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (70 KB, 6 pages)
Cooperstown, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (25 KB, 6 pages)
Crosby, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (25 KB, 6 pages)
Grant County Communities (Carson-Elgin-New Leipzig), North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (26 KB, 6 pages)
Harvey, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (26 KB, 6 pages)
Lidgerwood, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (70 KB, 6 pages)
Linton, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (25 KB, 6 pages)
Maddock, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (26 KB, 6 pages)
McKenzie County Communities (Alexander-Arnegard-Watford City), North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (71 KB, 6 pages)
Mohall, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (25 KB, 6 pages)
New Town, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (70 KB, 6 pages)
Rolette, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (26 KB, 6 pages)
Rugby, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (25 KB, 6 pages)
Stanley, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (26 KB, 6 pages)
Steele, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (25 KB, 6 pages)
Towner, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (25 KB, 6 pages)
Walhalla, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (25 KB, 6 pages)
Zip Code 58067, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (71 KB, 6 pages)
Zip Code 58365, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (26 KB, 6 pages)
Zip Code 58374, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (27 KB, 6 pages)
Zip Code 58418, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (72 KB, 6 pages)
Zip Code 58442, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (26 KB, 6 pages)
Zip Code 58544, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (26 KB, 6 pages)
Zip Code 58625, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (26 KB, 6 pages)
Zip Code 58710, North Dakota - Understanding the Community in Which We Live (January 2007) (26 KB, 6 pages)
Understanding the Community in Which We Live: Ashley, North Dakota (June 2004) (62 KB, 6 pages)
Understanding the Community in Which We Live: Bagley, Minnesota (April 2004) (62 KB, 6 pages)
Understanding the Community in Which We Live: Beach, North Dakota (June 2004) (61 KB, 6 pages)
Understanding the Community in Which We Live: Ellendale, North Dakota (June 2004) (62 KB, 6 pages)
Understanding the Community in Which We Live: Eureka, South Dakota (June 2004) (62 KB, 6 pages)
Understanding the Community in Which We Live: Grafton, North Dakota (April 2004) (123 KB, 6 pages)
Understanding the Community in Which We Live: Mott, North Dakota (June 2004) (60 KB, 6 pages)
Understanding the Community in Which We Live: Red Lake Falls, Minnesota (April 2004) (123 KB, 6 pages)
Understanding the Community in Which We Live: Regent, North Dakota (June 2004) (61 KB, 6 pages)
2006 Research
Great Plains Population Projections
Research support for the Great Plains Population Projections comes from the USDA North Dakota Rural Development Center and regional research project W1001. Data come from 12 State Demographic Units, and cover age-cohorts by county type from 2000 through 2020.
See related presentation The Demographic Future of the Great Plains presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Louisville, KY
A published journal article is pending, and will be posted as soon as it is available.

2006 Secondhand Smoke Survey for Wilkin County, Minnesota
(November 2006) (403 KB, 41 pages)
Results of the study for Wilkin County Public Health examining residents' attitudes and perceptions of secondhand smoke and determining their opinions of public policies related to secondhand smoke.
View Briefing Points of Survey Results (November 2006)

2006 Secondhand Smoke Survey of Registered Voters in Otter Tail County, Minnesota
(June 2006) (6.1 MB, 43 pages)
Results of the study for Otter Tail County Public Health assessing registered voters' attitudes and perceptions of secondhand smoke and determine their opinions of public policies related to secondhand smoke.
View Briefing Points of Survey Results (June 2006)

Highlights of the Academic Computing Long-Range Planning Survey
(January 2006) (116 KB, 22 pages)
This report offers highlights of a survey conducted by the Computing and Information Technologies Planning and Goals (CITPG) Committee at North Dakota State University (NDSU) in November and December 2005. The results provide insight into what faculty members see as the major academic computing concerns facing NDSU and how to prioritize topics relating to those concerns.
2005 Research

Women's Way Direct Mail Project: 2005 Summary
(December 2005) (184 KB, 20 pages)
The results of the project are summarized in this report.
Women's Way Direct Mail Project: 2005 Technical Report
(December 2005) (1.14 MB, 128 pages)
Detailed results of the project are presented in this report.
Women's Way consulted with staff at the North Dakota State Data Center to evaluate the effectiveness of direct mail in North Dakota. The direct mail project included evaluating the success of the direct mail campaign, examining characteristics of the intended audience, examining the overall reliability of the sampling frame developed from a purchased list of names, and providing feedback for future message and campaign design. Women's Way, the North Dakota Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, is administered by the North Dakota Department of Health and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The 2005 Summary and the 2005 Technical Report are also available on the North Dakota Department of Health website at http://www.ndhealth.gov/cancer/publications.asp?DivisionID=2.

North Dakota Statewide Child Abuse and Neglect Study: 2005 Survey Results
(December 2005) (540 KB, 90 pages)
This research focuses on gaining insight into residents' attitudes and perceptions regarding child abuse and neglect issues in North Dakota. It is a follow-up to a baseline public opinion survey conducted in the spring of 2002. It is part of a long range project aimed at monitoring child abuse and neglect within the state, introducing initiatives to promote positive change, and evaluating the impact of those initiatives.
View Briefing Points of Survey Results (December 2005)
View North Dakota KIDS COUNT Inform Fact Sheet (December 2005)
View earlier study North Dakota Statewide Child Abuse Survey: 2002 (July 2003) (.99 MB, 57 pages); note - a correction was made February 2005 to Figure 22 and the associated narrative and file has been updated

Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Community Needs Assessment: 2005 Project Summary
(November 2005) (207 KB, 12 pages)
Overall summary of activities conducted by the North Dakota State Data Center for the Otter Tail County Needs Assessment Committee.

Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Community Needs Assessment: 2005 Survey Results
(November 2005) (154 KB, 34 pages)
Perceptions among key leaders regarding the most important issues facing their community.

Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Community Needs Assessment: 2004 Focus Group Results
(January 2005) (92 KB, 11 pages)
Perceptions of priority among residents regarding housing, education, health care, child care, transportation, and other program services.

Wishek, North Dakota, 2005 Community Survey
(October 2005) (2.13 MB, 18 pages)
Perceptions among residents of Wishek, North Dakota, regarding their vision for the community.

Wishek, North Dakota, 2005 Leadership and Business Survey
(October 2005) (.55 MB, 29 pages)
Perceptions among key leaders of Wishek, North Dakota, regarding the community's development situation.

City of Moorhead, Minnesota, Follow-up Tobacco Study
(September 2005) (.95 MB, 20 pages)
Results of the 2005 study conducted to determine residents' views concerning the smoking ordinance that took effect in Moorhead in December of 2004.
View Briefing Points of Survey Results (September 2005)
View Press Release (September 26, 2005)

Great Plains Policy Brief: Does Rural Great Plains Depopulation Reflect Failed Public Policy?
(June 2005) (672 KB, 6 pages)
This brief was prepared by Richard W. Rathge, Ph.D. of the North Dakota State Data Center, North Dakota State University, and Kenneth M. Johnson, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Loyola University-Chicago.

Secondhand Smoke Survey for Central and Western Minnesota: February 2005 Survey Results
(March 2005) (3.0 MB, 39 pages)
Detailed results of the 2005 Collaborative Assessment for Eight Central and Western Minnesota counties presenting attitudes and perceptions regarding smoking and secondhand smoke issues and policies.
View Briefing Points of Survey Results (April 2005)

Hearing Impairment Among North Dakotans, 2005 Report
(March 2005) (2.6 MB, 25 pages)
The purpose of this report is to present estimates and projections of the number of people ages 15 and older in North Dakota who have a hearing impairment, in 2000, 2010, and 2015.

Visual Impairment Among North Dakotans, 2005 Report
(February 2005) (2.6 MB, 23 pages)
The purpose of this report is to present estimates and projections of the number of people ages 15 and older in North Dakota who have a visual impairment, in 2000, 2010, and 2015.
2004 Research

North Dakota Statewide Housing Needs Assessment
The statewide housing needs assessment was conducted by the North Dakota State Data Center at North Dakota State University for the North Dakota Housing Finance Agency and the North Dakota Department of Commerce Division of Community Services. Results are presented as a Final Report, as Detailed Tables, and through the SHARP website and are available online.
Please note: The needs assessment was updated to reflect current trends (released September 2012 and available on the NDHFA website).
View needs assessment products:
- North Dakota Statewide Housing Needs Assessment: 2004 - Final Report
(November 2004) (7.30 MB, 170 pages)
- North Dakota Statewide Housing Needs Assessment: 2004 - Detailed Tables
(November 2004) (1.11 MB, 110 pages)
- SHARP Website
- Supplements:
- Supplement - Priority Needs (December 2004) (PDF - 95 KB, 7 pages)
- Supplement - Moderate Household Income Projections (December 2004) (PDF - 126 KB, 2 pages)
- Related Products:
- Briefing Points of Needs Assessment (December 2004)
- Errata sheet
2003 Research

North Dakota Employer Survey: 2003
(October 2003) (4.41 MB, 41 pages)
Provides information regarding employers' attitudes and perceptions of labor issues concerning the growth and development of primary-sector businesses throughout North Dakota.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Survey: 2003, Post-Media Campaign Analysis
(July 2003) (5.93 MB, 30 pages)
This presents results of part two of a two-phase project aimed at learning about perceptions of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) among residents of Clay County, Minnesota, before and after an educational media campaign.

Regional Tobacco and Secondhand Smoke Survey: 2002, Clay County, Otter Tail County, and Wilkin County, MN and Richland County, ND
(May 2003) (1.78 MB, 86 pages)
Study designed to gather information from residents in a 4-county region regarding their attitudes and perceptions of tobacco use; also gathered data regarding their opinions of secondhand smoke and its consequences.
View related publication Tobacco and Secondhand Smoke Survey: 2002, Richland County, ND (May 2003) (1.78 MB, 92 pages)

Tobacco Studies 2002: North Dakota State College of Science
Study targeting the campus community at North Dakota State College of Science -- gathering information from students and from administration, faculty, and staff regarding their attitudes and perceptions of tobacco use on campus, as well as their opinions of secondhand smoke and its consequences.
Tobacco and Secondhand Smoke Survey of Students: 2002, North Dakota State College of Science (June 2003) (7.47 MB, 61 pages)
Tobacco and Secondhand Smoke Survey of Administration, Faculty, and Staff: 2002, North Dakota State College of Science (June 2003) (2.58 MB, 50 pages)

Tobacco Studies 2002: North Dakota State University
Study targeting the campus community at North Dakota State University -- gathering information from students and from administration, faculty, and staff regarding their attitudes and perceptions of tobacco use on campus, as well as their opinions of secondhand smoke and its consequences.
Student Tobacco and Secondhand Smoke Survey: 2002, North Dakota State University (May 2003) (2.30 MB, 66 pages)
Tobacco and Secondhand Smoke Survey of Administration, Faculty, and Staff: 2002, North Dakota State University (May 2003) (2.01 MB, 54 pages)

Companion documents -- findings of a follow-up survey of students and of administration, faculty, and staff aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of a campus media campaign whose purpose was to heighten awareness of tobacco use and secondhand smoke and promote cessation among the campus community.
Student Tobacco Awareness Campaign Evaluation: 2003, North Dakota State University (June 2003) (.82 MB, 24 pages)
Tobacco Awareness Campaign Evaluation for Administration, Faculty, and Staff: 2003, North Dakota State University (June 2003) (.65 MB, 22 pages)

Tobacco Cessation Program Evaluation: 2003, North Dakota State University
(June 2003) (.41 MB, 15pages)
Companion document -- a preliminary overview of the success of the tobacco cessation program begun in March 2003 on the campus of North Dakota State University.

Grandparents as Caregivers in North Dakota, 2002: Outreach and Phone Surveys
(June 2003) (1.91 MB, 126 pages)
Includes data collected from a combination of 80 face-to-face interviews and 26 phone interviews with grandparent caregivers; sections include: an introduction, a set of recommendations, and survey results.
This project was made possible through a combined effort between the North Dakota State Data Center at North Dakota State University (NDSU), the Child Development and Family Science Department at NDSU, the North Dakota Center for Rural Health at the University of North Dakota (UND), and the North Dakota Department of Human Services (ND DHS), Aging Services Division.

Informal Caregivers: 2002 - Outreach Survey
(May 2003) (2.12 MB, 118 pages)
Includes data collected from 652 face-to-face interviews with informal caregivers; sections include: an introduction, a set of recommendations, survey results, and information about significant differences in the data by caregiver relationship.
- View results of related study -- data collected from 144 interviews conducted with informal caregivers over the phone -- Informal Caregivers: 2002 - Phone Survey (May 2003) (1.72 MB, 100 pages)
This project was made possible through a combined effort between the North Dakota State Data Center at North Dakota State University (NDSU), the Child Development and Family Science Department at NDSU, the North Dakota Center for Rural Health at the University of North Dakota (UND), and the North Dakota Department of Human Services (ND DHS), Aging Services Division.
2002 Research

Needs Assessment of Long Term Care, North Dakota: 2002 - Initial Report and Policy Recommendations
(November 2002) (9.55 MB, 242 pages)
Report was compiled in response to a request from the North Dakota State Legislature for an initial report of activities and a set of policy recommendations regarding long term care in North Dakota; purpose of this project was to assess the current and future long term care needs of residents in North Dakota; this report summarizes contributions by the North Dakota State Data Center at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, and the Center for Rural Health at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. View/download any of the following individual sections within the document:
- View Executive Summary and Recommendations (1.00 MB, 16 pages)
- View Section I. Current and Future Elderly Population (2.31MB, 19 pages)
- View Section II. Elderly Needs Profile: "The North Dakota Survey of Elders" (1.38 MB, 70 pages)
- View Section III. Availability and Demand for Elderly Services (1.58 MB, 25 pages)
- View Section IV. Survey of Long Term Care (LTC) Administrators: "Recruitment and Retention Perceptions of Long Term Care Administrators" (2.69 MB, 34 pages)
- View Section V. Survey of Long Term Care (LTC) Staff: "Recruitment and Retention Perceptions of Long Term Care Staff" (1.21 MB, 49 pages)
- View Section VI. Labor Force Issues (4.21 MB, 53 pages)
This project was made possible through a combined effort between the North Dakota State Data Center at North Dakota State University (NDSU), the Child Development and Family Science Department at NDSU, the North Dakota Center for Rural Health at the University of North Dakota (UND), and the North Dakota Department of Human Services (ND DHS), Aging Services Division. It was funded through an appropriation under the Older Americans Act, Title III, Part E, National Family Caregiver Support Program and administered through the North Dakota Department of Human Services, Aging Services Division.
For more information on this project, visit:
- North Dakota Senior Information
- Center for Rural Health, University of North Dakota
- North Dakota Family Caregivers Support Program, North Dakota State University
- Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST)

North Dakota County Migration Flows: 1998-99 to 2000-01
(December 2002) (6.75 MB, 61 pages)
A detailed analysis of the relocation of people and monies into and out of North Dakota counties. Data from this publication were updated yearly in the Economic Brief.

North Dakota Population Projections: 2005 to 2020
(September 2002) (3.99 MB, 120 pages)
(Updated May 2003: A correction to the total of 40-44 year old's for 2015 has been made to the second page of each profile. The online files have been updated to reflect this correction.)
Updated population projections for North Dakota were released September of 2002 by the North Dakota State Data Center. The results include population projections for North Dakota (2005-2020) and each of its 53 counties, including distributions by age and gender for 1980 through 2020. It includes historical population trends as well as a discussion of leading population trends and methodology regarding how the projections were developed.
- Click to get the 2-page profile for North Dakota
- Click to get the 2-page profiles for all 53 counties
- View the front end to read about:
- Leading trends and an overview of the projections in the Introduction, including:
- How the projections were developed, including limitations, in the Methodology
- The components of the 2-page profiles for the state and each of the 53 counties in the Organization of State and County Data Profiles

Devils Lake Community Center Survey: 2002
(April 2002) (1.32 MB, 57 pages)
The purpose of this study was to learn more about residents' interests in and the utilization of a possible community center in Devils Lake, North Dakota.

Demographic Chartbook: Profiling Change in the Great Plains
(October 2001) (17.7 MB, 56 pages)
This study is part of a larger research and policy effort to advance understanding and viability of the Great Plains. These research findings served as the foundation for the Great Plains Population Symposium aimed at raising national awareness and corresponding policy debate. View/download any of the following individual sections within the document:
- View Geographic Territory of the Great Plains (383 KB, 5 pages)
- View Population in the Great Plains (1.1 MB, 7 pages)
- View Components of Change in the Great Plains (1.7 MB, 9 pages)
- View Age Distribution in the Great Plains (9.7 MB, 16 pages)
- View Race and Hispanic Population in the Great Plains (921 KB, 4 pages)
- View Living Arrangements in the Great Plains (1.3 MB, 5 pages)
- View Economic Conditions in the Great Plains (1.3 MB, 4 pages)
View related products:
- View related publication Snapshot of Demographic Changes in the Great Plains (September 2001)
- View article Population Change in the Great Plains: A History of Prolonged Decline (published in Rural Development Perspectives 13(1), 1998)
- View paper The Changing Population Profile of the Great Plains (2002)
2001 Research

Clay County Joint Powers Collaborative Chemical/Mental Health Survey: 2001
(December 2001) (4.35 MB, 71 pages)
This survey was designed to determine the needs and gaps in services for children and youth with mental health and chemical health issues in Clay County, Minnesota.

The Hispanic Population in Minnesota and North Dakota: Distribution and Growth Trends: 1990-2000
(October 2001) (1.7 MB, 31 pages)
This report was part of a project sponsored by Migrant Health Services, Inc., of Moorhead, Minnesota. An important goal of this project was to estimate the distribution of migrant farm workers and their families in the states of Minnesota and North Dakota. The intent of the project was to serve as a starting point for a larger effort aimed at surveying the needs of migrant farm workers and their families and to gain insight into where they receive their services.

Student Focus Groups: 2001
(May 2001) (352 KB, 34 pages)
This report is part of a series of labor force studies sponsored by the Fargo-Cass County Economic Development Corporation, Moorhead Economic Development Authority and the Valley City-Barnes County Economic Development Corporation through the cooperation of a locally driven regional Labor Availability Council. This report details the findings from a series of focus groups conducted with students graduating from post-high school degree and certificate granting institutions within 60 miles of Fargo/Moorhead in the Spring of 2001.
- View Briefing Points

Market Area Student Survey: 2000
(January 2000) (1.0 MB, 45 pages)
The purpose of this project was to provide information about students’ attitudes regarding employment preferences, training and skills development, employer incentives and benefit packages, and issues related to commuting and future mobility. This report is part of a series of labor force studies sponsored by the Fargo-Cass County Economic Development Corporation, Moorhead Economic Development Authority and the Valley City-Barnes County Economic Development Corporation through the cooperation of a locally driven regional Labor Availability Council.

Employer Survey: 2001
(May 2001) (1.4 MB, 48 pages)
This report is part of a series of labor force studies sponsored by the Fargo-Cass County Economic Development Corporation, Moorhead Economic Development Authority and the Valley City-Barnes County Economic Development Corporation through the cooperation of a locally driven regional Labor Availability Council. This report presents the results of a survey of the major primary-sector employers in the greater metropolitan area. The purpose of this research was to explore employers’ attitudes and perceptions regarding current and future labor issues.
- View Briefing Points

Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Labor Market Study: Spring 2000
(February 2000) (124 KB, 47 pages)
This study was a joint effort by the Fargo-Cass County Economic Development Corporation, Moorhead Economic Development Authority and the Valley City-Barnes County Economic Development Corporation through the cooperation of a locally driven regional Labor Availability Council to explore labor issues within the market area. The purpose of this study was to gain information about the current and potential labor force of two regions within western Minnesota and eastern North Dakota.

Fargo-Moorhead Market Area Employer Survey: 1999
(January 2000) (837 KB, 47 pages)
This report is part of a larger labor force study sponsored by the Fargo-Cass County Economic Development Corporation, Moorhead Economic Development Authority and the Valley City-Barnes County Economic Development Corporation through the cooperation of a locally driven regional Labor Availability Council. The purpose of this project was to provide information regarding employers’ attitudes and perceptions of labor issues concerning the growth and development of the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area.
2000 Research

Antibiotic Resistance Knowledge Survey Results: Comparison of the 1999 and 2000 Surveys
(October 2000) (726 KB, 79 pages)
This publication features the comparison of findings from two surveys of residents of the Fargo/Moorhead metropolitan area (Fall 1999 baseline and Fall 2000). The surveys assessed residents' knowledge, attitudes, practices, and beliefs regarding antibiotics resistance. The follow-up 2000 survey was conducted to assess the effects of a comprehensive educational campaign.