
2024 North Dakota Statewide Housing Needs Assessment - NDSU Center for Social Research Report No. 113 (February 2025)
The North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) commissioned the Center for Social Research to conduct a Statewide Housing Needs Assessment with the intention to provide housing industry professionals with a better understanding of state and local markets. The report presents an overview of current socio-economic conditions and important trends affecting housing dynamics, current market conditions, subsidized housing, and an analysis of population and housing projections.
2022 North Dakota Statewide Housing Needs Assessment - NDSU Center for Social Research Report No. 108 (October 2022)
The North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) commissioned the Center for Social Research to conduct a Statewide Housing Needs Assessment with the intention to provide housing industry professionals with a better understanding of state and local markets. The report presents an overview of current socio-economic conditions and important trends affecting housing dynamics, current market conditions, subsidized housing, and an analysis of population and housing projections. In addition, the report includes a one-page profile for the state and eight planning regions, counties and large cities, and American Indian Reservations.
- Full Report
- Population and Housing Forecast component
- Appendix A Housing Profiles
- Appendix B Detailed Tables
- Presentation by Dr. Nancy Hodur to the 2022 North Dakota Statewide Housing Forum, "2022 North Dakota Statewide Housing Needs Assessment", October 5, 2022
- Inteviewwith Dr. Nancy Hodur on Prairie Public Main Street to discuss the results of the 2022 North Dakota Statewide Housing Assessment, November 8, 2022
2018 Fargo-Moorhead Homeless Survey: Summary of Findings Center for Social Research Report No. 107 (March 2019)
The Fargo-Moorhead Coalition to End Homelessness sponsored a point-in-time survey of the homeless population in the Fargo-Moorhead area to better understand the prevalence, causes, circumstances, and effects of homelessness. On October 25, 2018, a survey of people experiencing homelessness was conducted in Fargo, ND and Moorhead, MN, through face-to-face interviews. The survey responses were recorded into an online medium. The Fargo-Moorhead Coalition to End Homelessness contracted with the Center for Social Research at NDSU to analyze the data collected through the two surveys and to provide a summary of key findings. This information will be used to educate city and state officials about the status of homelessness in the Fargo-Moorhead area and will provide a baseline for data-driven decision making to prevent, reduce, and end homelessness. View the report here.
2016 Statewide Housing Needs Assessment (2016)
The North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) commissioned the Center for Social Research to conduct a Statewide Housing Needs Assessment with the intention to provide housing industry professionals with a better understanding of state and local markets.
- Component 1: Population & Housing Forecast - This report presents an overview of current socio-economic conditions and important trends affecting housing dynamics, and an analysis of population and housing need projections. In addition, the report includes a series of 10 profiles consisting of population and housing information, organized by a) state and eight planning region totals, b) each individual planning region and its associated counties and large cities, and c) four Native American Indian Reservations.
- Component 2: Special Housing Topics - This report examines special topics with implications for meeting future housing needs, including trends in housing costs, subsidized housing, and special needs populations.
- Component 3: Detailed Tables - This report presents a series of data tables relating to a) population projections, b) projected housing needs, c) projected housing stock, d) special populations, and e) housing conditions. When applicable, data are presented for North Dakota and the eight planning regions, four Native American Indian Reservation areas, all 53 counties, and 12 cities with 6,500 residents or more.
2012 Modeling Employment, Housing, and Population in Western North Dakota: The Case of Dickinson (2012)
Communities in western North Dakota are struggling to manage the unprecedented growth in employment associated with the current oil boom. The city of Dickinson is undergoing a comprehensive plan to develop policies, strategies, and solutions for providing infrastructure, transportation, housing, and public services as a result of the new conditions brought on by oil field development. This study was designed to provide input into the city’s comprehensive planning effort. View the report here.
2012 North Dakota Statewide Housing Needs Assessment (2012)
- Component 1: Housing Forecast
- Component 2: Detailed Tables
- Component 3: Survey of Stakehoders