The Fulbright U.S. Student Program
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers opportunities for students and young professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching, and primary and secondary school teaching worldwide. The program currently awards approximately 1,900 grants annually in all fields of study, and operates in more than 140 countries worldwide.
Successful applicants to this program will promote leadership, learning, and mutual understanding between cultures. Award benefits include round-trip transportation to the host country, a stipend to cover room, board, and living expenses, and accident and sickness health benefits. Some grants may include additional funding for study and research, including language study and full or partial tuition.
Fulbright is considered the flagship program of the U.S. State Department with a diplomatic mission of cultural exchange through research, teaching, and postgraduate study. It is among the oldest and most prestigious of the major national fellowships available to college students, recent graduates, and alumni.
International students interested in a Fulbright should review information from the Fulbright Foreign Student Program website and contact the Fulbright Commission or supervising agency in their home country.

NDSU Fulbright Program Adviser (FPA) Contact Information
The contact below can help answer questions you may have about the Fulbright Program and assembling your application. You are encouraged to make contact as soon as possible to discuss the process and your plans.
Tanya Kramer
Assistant Director of Study Abroad
Fulbright Program Advisor (FPA)
Office of International Student & Study Abroad Services (Memorial Union 116)
Phone: (701) 231-9820
Professionals interested in the Fulbright Scholar Program should contact:
Amy Knudson
Int'l Faculty & Scholar Advisor
Office of the Provost (Old Main 201A)
Phone: (701) 231-9486
Fulbright Scholar Program: