
Effects of Nitrogen Top-dress at Tasseling on Corn

(Research Report, Carrington REC, December 2020)
Lead Author
Lead Author:
Jasper M. Teboh
Other Authors

Szilvia Yuja, Mike Ostlie, Kelly Cooper, and Heidi Eslinger

Web only
Publication Sections


  1. Verify whether nitrogen (N) fertilization at tasseling (VT) would improve corn yields in North Dakota.
  2. Assess whether yield response to split N will differ between dryland and irrigated corn.
  3. Determine if improved yields would justify the cost of late N application.



This trial was conducted at three sites: an irrigated and dryland site at Oakes, ND, and an irrigated site at Carrington, ND.  Fourteen fertilizer treatments were applied. The first six treatments received only pre-plant N at 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, and 200 lbs N/ac. Eight other treatments were splits that either received 0, 40, or 80 lbs N as starter, plus 40 lbs N top-dress at either V8 or at tasseling (VT).


  • Yields responded positively to N at Oakes. Yields did not respond to N at Carrington; thus, the split N results were not important.
  • Maximum yield at Oakes was 259 bushels at 200 lbs N under irrigation, and 195 bushels at 200 lbs N on dryland. Yields were not significantly different between 200 and 120 lbs N either under irrigation (227 bushels) or on dryland (186 bushels).
  • Even though split application of N at a total rate of 120 lbs N did not result in statistical yield differences, the response to split N application was different between the irrigated and dryland sites.
  • Under irrigation, split application of 120 lbs N produced higher yields than a single application at planting. The split N treatment that received 40 lbs as starter, 40 lbs at V8, and 40 lbs at VT (40-40-40) produced the best yield at 120 lbs N total (Fig 1). It is probable that when the fertilizer was split, it prevented some N loss due to leaching. The soil is well drained; frequent irrigation would have probably moved some of the N below the reach of the roots (leaching).
Chart showing Corn yield response to N as a single or split application (V8 and VT) under irrigation at Oakes
Photo Credit:
Jasper M. Teboh, CREC
Fig. 1. Corn yield response to N as a single or split application (V8 and VT) under irrigation at Oakes.








  • On dryland, application of all 120 lbs N at planting produced the highest yield when compared to split application treatments (Fig 2). Because the dryland field had received compost in fall the previous year, some of the N may have been tied up, and as a result, much N needed to be available early and throughout the growing season to overcome the effects of N tie-up.


Chart showing Corn yield response to N as a single or split application (V8 and VT) on dryland, at Oakes
Photo Credit:
Jasper M. Teboh, CREC
Fig. 2. Corn yield response to N as a single or split application (V8 and VT) on dryland, at Oakes.









In environments of high rainfall or where irrigation is practiced, split application of N would be recommended to minimize N loss to leaching. Due to lack of significant yield differences between the single and split N applications it would have been uneconomical to have applied N later in the growing season. Nonetheless, split-application of N with most of the N applied at planting, and the rest around V6 to V8 remains a safe strategy to minimize N loss and enhance N fertilizer use efficiency in corn.

Partial funding for this project was provided by the North Dakota Corn Utilization Council.