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County Image
4-H'ers showing sheep at county fair
green 4H clover logo

4-H provides hands-on, real life experiences through projects, activities, and events to youth in Kidder County. Use the links below to learn about the North Dakota 4-H Youth Development program, 4-H Camp, and the 4-H Foundation.



4-H is the largest youth development organization in the nation. Youth can gain life-long skills and experiences in major project areas such as science, agriculture and civic engagement.  If you'd like to learn more about 4-H in Kidder County or if you are ready to enroll or volunteer, please contact us or complete a request for information.


Learn More about 4-H Clubs in Kidder County


If you are already a 4-H member, family, or volunteer, we have a lot of resources for you.

You can access most forms, documents, and other resources using the links below. The Kidder county google drive contains county specific documents and forms that are useful through out the year. 

Kidder County Google Drive 

Member and Volunteer Resources Site

Project Ideas


For other resources specific to 4-H in Kidder County, see Local Member Resources below.