Club Members
The Kidder County Roughriders are open to youth of all ages. Cloverbud members, ages 5 to 7, and 4-H members, ages 8-18, participate together in club meetings. Roughriders is the largest club in our county with over 20 youth from age 7 to 18, so if a busy, diverse club, with members of all ages is what you are looking for, the Roughriders might be the club for you!
Club Dues
The Roughriders club dues are $5 per member. Membership dues help to cover the cost of activities and events throughout the year.
Club Fundraisers
Club members actively participate in the county-wide annual ham dinner and bake sale, county fair lunch stand sales, and various other fundraisers. Club fundraising varies each year, with the funds paying for members’ annual club dues and the Christmas party activity and pizza party.
Project Area Interests
4-H Projects are real-life experiences that help the 4-H’ers learn life skills and make sound decisions. Members of this club actively explore projects in all areas, but many members enroll in horse and livestock projects!
- Beef
- Horses
- Goats
- Sheep
- Photography
- Horticulture
- Drawing & Painting
- Food & Nutrition
Club Projects & Awards
Clean Stall Award. The Roughrider 4-H Club earned this award several times at the fair by keeping their livestock stalls neat, clean and orderly, and working together to help each other
Meeting Date/Time/Location & Information
The Roughriders usually meet monthly on a Sunday at 1:00 pm at the Steele Community Center. The day will vary so contact a leader for details. Club leaders will send out a text reminder of the meeting. Each meeting includes a business meeting, a snack, and a member demonstration. They also have a Christmas party in November with a fun activity such as roller skating or bowling.
Leader Contact Info
De An Sackman, , 701-471-6304
Kaylene Schoenhard,, 701-226-8623
Gwen Fischer,, 701-391-5293