Page Title

Parent Education

Program Image
mother and father kissing son on each cheek
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The Parent Education program provides prevention-focused parenting and family education opportunities for parents, families, professionals and the community.

All of our upcoming courses and events can be found on our "Upcoming Courses & Events" page. Click the event title for more details about each course offering or event.




Parents Forever is a family transition program for parents as they continue to parent together through a divorce or separation, parents who are divorced and experiencing challenges with co-parenting, and for never-married parents when they decide to parent apart.


Parent Cafés are uplifting opportunities for parents and caregivers to talk about the challenges and joys of raising children. Through informal discussion, participants consider their strengths, learn about factors that promote well-being, and create strategies to help strengthen their families.  


North Dakota Nurturing Families Program™ (NFP) is a family-based parenting education program that help families establish a nurturing way of life and develop healthier, stronger relationships.  Parents and children attend together so that all family members can benefit.  Nurturing Families classes are sponsored by the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services and are offered at NO COST to families throughout North Dakota. Scroll down for a list of Program Locations & Registration Info.

Upcoming Courses & Events
In this interactive class, parents and caregivers of children ages 3 and older will learn effective strategies for helping children to develop self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation, and problem-solving skills. Positive Discipline…
Participants will define child abuse and neglect; learn about the prevalence of abuse and neglect in the infant/toddler population; examine the impact of maltreatment on development; discuss risk and protective factors; review signs of…
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