
The Need
Chronic diseases and medication safety consume large amounts of health care resources. Ninety percent of the United States’ health care expenses are related to those with chronic disease and mental health conditions. Eighty-two percent of American adults take at least one prescription medication and 29 percent take more than four. Adverse drug events cause over 1.5 million emergency department and hospital admissions annually. Care coordination and collaboration is vital to avoid these complications, which presents a challenge in North Dakota when over 1 in 4 adults report not having a primary care provider.
Pharmacists have expertise and accessibility to address these issues at a population and individual level. The practice of pharmacy continues to expand from a focus on medication dispensing to a clinical model for the provision of patient care. North Dakota’s pharmacy laws create an environment to advance these services and collaborations while improving outcomes.
The Center for Collaboration and Advancement in Pharmacy (CAP Center) provides infrastructure and expertise to support research building upon the Center’s four core principles:
Center Goals
The CAP Center serves as a regional leader in development of programs that improve patient outcomes by advancing pharmacy practice. CAP Center projects lead to more collaborative relationships between pharmacists, public health, and other health professions. The CAP Center Core Principles serve as a national example for development of successful and sustainable interventions that improve patient care.