Primary Emergency Management Journals

Open Access Journals

International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters
Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies
Journal of Disaster Research
Journal of Extreme Events (Until mid-2015, open access if you register)
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Journal of Natural Disaster Science
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Revista Internacional de Desastres Naturales, Accidentes e Infrastructura Civil

Three discontinued journals that published valuable emergency management research include

Australasian Journal of Disaster & Trauma Studies

(1997-2012), Disaster Management and Response (2003-2007) and

Mass Emergencies

(1975-1979). All of the volumes and issues of each journal are openly accessible online.
Subscription Only Journals

 Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management
Disaster Prevention and Management
Environmental Hazards
Environmental Management
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
International Journal of Emergency Management
Journal of Crisis and Contingencies Management 

Journal of Emergency Management

Natural Hazards 
Natural Hazards Review
Risk Analysis 
Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy
Risk Management

The links above are to the individual journal websites. At these sites you can search or browse volumes and issues of the journals and read article abstracts. You can also access these titles through the NDSU library.  The journal articles are available electronically through the library.



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