Current Developmental Science Graduate Students
Kylie Edgington

Entered program Fall 2024
Research interests early childhood development, social/emotional development, resilience, parent-child relationships, early peer relationships, psychobiological influences on development, how childhood behavioral patterns/relational skills progress into adulthood
Faculty Advisor Dr. Wen Wang
Olivia How

Entered program Fall 2024
Research interests The effects of adverse childhood experiences (including adoption trauma, foster care trauma, trauma in infancy, toxic stress, and food insecurity) on future development and health outcomes such as psychopathology (anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, etc.) stress response, attachment, emotional regulation, coping, desensitization & deregulation
Faculty Advisor Dr. Carmen Kho
Zainab Alvandi Tabrizi

Entered program Fall 2024
Research interests The main focus of my research is the socialization of emotion regulation within the parenting context. I am also interested in attachment and mindfulness, particularly mindful parenting.
Faculty Advisor Dr. Carmen Kho
Damaris Bibi

Entered program Fall 2023
Research interests Intimate partner violence, community-based trauma and substance abuse treatment and mental health among marginalized populations
Burak Dogruoz

Entered program Fall 2023
Research interests Parent-child relationships, Prevention Science, risk-resilience, subjective age, developmental psychopathology, interpersonal relationships and their impact on human development, social self-efficacy, internalized stigma.
Faculty Advisor Dr. Leanna McWood
Fahad Usman

Entered program Fall 2023
Research interests child and adolescent development and well-being within marginalized contexts, emphasizing equity, inclusion, and social justice. I explore the roles of families and communities for development while also examining effective interventions, cross-cultural perspectives, and policy advocacy to empower marginalized youth.
Faculty Advisor Dr. Wen Wang
Niloofar Hakhamy

Entered program Fall 2022
Research interests Child development, parent-child relationship, family life education, how family relationships and parenting styles can influence child's well-being
Faculty Advisor Dr. Sean Brotherson
Caroline Homan

Entered program Fall 2022
Research interests Creativity and Social Emotional Learning, the science of happiness, positive youth development, and the influence of neurobiology on mental health and well-being.
Faculty Advisor Dr. Joel Hektner
Suzette Hudson

Entered program Fall 2022
Research interests Social and cultural influences on development; transition to college; public policy; adolescence and motivation.
Faculty Advisor Dr. Sean Brotherson
Debarati Kole

Entered program Fall 2022
Research interests Health promotion among minorities through education and community development, behavioral health promotion among pregnant women, Impacts of covid 19 pandemic on behavioral health, the importance of social connection on lifespan development.
Faculty Advisor Dr. Heather Fuller
Precious Ngwayarudza

Entered program Fall 2022
Research interests Child development and protection. I am passionate about conditions that enable the maximum survival and development of children; implementation of programs that facilitate a smooth transition from one developmental stage to the other and interventions for improving mental health and the wellbeing of children.
Faculty Advisor Dr. Joel Hektner
Yu-Fang Tu

Entered program Fall 2022
Research interests Preservation of the cognitive health and physical functioning of older people of normal as well as dementia or Alzheimer's population; Promotion of healthy aging for the well-being of people in the middle and later life stages. Mindfulness and Qigong-related strategies to promote health, happiness, and well-being.
Faculty Advisor Dr. Melissa O'Connor
Beckham Arthur

Entered program Fall 2021
Research interests Wellbeing among working adults, intervention & program evaluation studies, workplace dynamics and lifelong attitude development, family studies, and development of human resourcefulness
Faculty Advisor Dr. Sean Brotherson
Jordan Bentz

Entered program Fall 2021
Research interests Child development and how parent-child interactions along with peer relationships can influence development from infancy through adolescence. I am also interested in how different interventions in early education can promote optimal development in later life.
Faculty Advisor Dr. Joel Hektner and Dr. Leanna McWood
Melisa Hajdar

Entered program Fall 2021
Research interests Parent-child relations, family policy, the influence of culture and social relationships on lifespan development, and program development, implementation, and evaluation
Faculty Advisor Dr. Heather Fuller
Jordan Mooney

Entered program Fall, 2021
Research interests Promoting resilience and optimal function in populations considered disadvantaged or at-risk, prevention science, social emotional learning, family and caregiver training, lifestyle approaches for optimizing health and psychological wellbeing, universal and targeted intervention, and program development
Faculty Advisor Dr. Joel Hektner
Teri Undem

Entered program Fall 2021
Research interests Aging in place with an emphasis on the rural setting
Faculty Advisor Dr. Heather Fuller
Bryce Van Vleet

Entered program Fall 2020
Research interests Broadly concerned with interpersonal dynamics and resilience in rural families and communities. I am also interested in immigration, migration from urban to rural environments, and isolation.
Faculty AdvisorDr. Heather Fuller
Megan Hay Pedersen

Entered program Fall 2019
Research interests The interplay between social relationships and cognitive aging, especially in the setting of social games and competition; investigating and treating the physiological breakdown and cognitive decline caused by neurodegenerative diseases; intergenerational relationships
Faculty Advisor Dr. Melissa O'Connor
Rachel Grace

Entered program Fall 2018
Research interests Currently, I am exploring successful aging across the lifespan. Other areas of interest include: longevity, wellness, yoga, and lifestyles that support health and happiness across every part of development.
Faculty Advisor Dr. Joel Hektner
Philip Estepp

Entered program Fall 2018
Research interests Psychological well-being in rural and farm communities, masculinity and mental health, and healthy aging across the life-span.
Faculty AdvisorDr. Sean Brotherson