5 Year Accelerated Masters (BS + MS Degrees) in Human Development and Family Science

Our Accelerated Master’s program allows high-achieving undergraduates to complete both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in HDFS in 5 years. Guidelines for the program include:

  • Only students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and who have completed at least 60 credits (at least 30 credits at NDSU) are eligible to apply.
  • Interested and eligible students must submit a Petition to Apply for the Accelerated Program (form available through the graduate school).
  • All admissions to the Graduate College will be conditional. The minimum condition is completion of the bachelor’s degree prior to full standing in the master’s program.
  • 15 credits in the master’s program are used to meet the requirements for the bachelor’s degree (No undergraduate course is counted toward a master’s degree)
  • Students must meet all of the requirements that would ordinarily be expected of those enrolled in the master’s program.

Each of the three options in the HDFS undergraduate major correspond to one of the three options available for the HDFS Master’s degree.

  1. Students in the Adult Development and Aging option may enter the master’s option in Gerontology.
    • Earn a Master’s degree in HDFS in the Gerontology option by completing just one additional year of classes. 15 credits of the undergraduate curriculum are replaced by 15 graduate credits.
    • IDEA Website on Gerontology
  2. Students in the Child and Adolescent Development option may enter the master’s option in Youth Development.
    • Earn a Master’s degree in HDFS in the Youth Development option by completing just one additional year of classes. 15 credits of the undergraduate curriculum are replaced by 15 graduate credits.
    • IDEA Website on Youth Development
  3. Students in the Family Science option may enter the master’s option in Family Financial Planning.
    • Earn a Master’s degree in HDFS in the Family Financial Planning option by completing just one additional year of classes. 15 credits of the undergraduate curriculum are replaced by 15 graduate credits.
    • IDEA Website on Family Financal Planning
Plan of Study for HDFS Accelerated Master’s Option

All master’s degree courses are taught online, and all are charged tuition at the higher IDEA per-credit rate. However, under the accelerated program, students pay less tuition overall than they would if they completed each degree in separate programs.

How to Apply to the Program
This document walks you through the application process. After following the link in the document, scroll down and click Combined/Accelerated Program Degree Program Declaration Form.


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