Director, School of Natural Resource Sciences
Natural Resources Management
Hultz Hall 202e
Research Interests:
- Water Use, Water Quality, Wetland Ecology, and Environmental Education
- Environmental Education and Outreach
- Effects of energy development on natural resources in North Dakota
- Water use and water quality
- Ph.D., Natural Resources Management; North Dakota State University, 2009
Courses Taught:
- NRM 421/621 Environmental Outreach Methods
- NRM 431/631 National Environmental Policy Act/Environmental Assessment
- NRM 401/601 Urban Ecosystem Management
- NRM/RNG 225 Natural Resources and Agroecosystems
- NRM/RNG/SOIL 462/662 NRM Planning/Senior Capstone
Recent Projects
- The National Wetland Condition Assessment and North Dakota's Intensification
- Municipal water use in the Bakken region and North Dakota
- Water quality in urban water bodies
- The Fargo Project - green infrastructure and stakeholder perceptions
- Scholarship of teaching and learning
- Impacts of road dust on natural resources
- Effectiveness of brine as a road dust abatement and impact on gravel roads
- Harmful Algal Bacteria
- E.coli in urban stormwater systems
Select Publications
- Comeau, P., C. Hargiss, J. Norland, A. Wallace, and A. Bormann. New insights into plant blindness: an interdisciplinary exploration to increasing environmental literacy. In revision with Journal of Environmental Education.
- Bonnell, K., C. Hargiss, and J. Norland. Perceptions of youth on recycling across large metropolitan/inner city, urban cluster, and rural demographics. In review with Applied Environmental Education and Communication.
- Altrichter, K., E.S. DeKeyser, B. Kobiela, and C. Hargiss. A comparison of five wetland communities in a North Dakota Fen. In review with Natural Areas Journal
- Bonnell, K., C. Hargiss, and J. Norland. Challenges conducting research with adolescents in public schools. In review with Natural Sciences Education.
- Graber, K. C. Hargiss, T. DeSutter, Y. He, and J. Norland. Simulated effects of SAR, EC, and Ca:Mg ratios on gravel road fine fractions. In review with Water, Air and Soil Pollution.
- Bonnell, K., C. Hargiss, and J. Norland. 2018. Understanding high school students perception of nature and time spent outdoors across demographics. Applied Environmental Education and Communication. DOI: 10.1080/1533015X.2018.1438935
- Bonnell, K., C. Hargiss, and J. Norland. 2018. Understanding how large metropolitan/inner city, and urban cluster and rural students perceive food systems. Urban Agriculture and Food Systems 3, DOI: 10.2134/urbanag2017.06.0001.
- Graber, K., C. Hargiss, J. Norland, and T. DeSutter. 2017. Is oil-well produced water effective in abating road dust? Water, Air and Soil Pollution. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-017-3640-x.
- Hargiss, C.L.M., E.S. DeKeyser, J.E. Norland, and M.J. Ell. 2017. Comparing tiers of a multi-tiered wetland assessment in the Prairie Pothole Region. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11273-017-9540-4.
- Hargiss, C., Graber, K., Voldseth, D., DeSutter, T., Norland, J., Gnoinsky, A. 2017. Comparison of methodologies for field application of road dust. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 228(220).
- Creuzer, J., C.L.M. Hargiss, J. Norland, T. DeSutter, E.S. DeKeyser, F.X. Casey. 2016. Does increased road dust due to energy development impact wetlands in the Bakken Region? Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 227(39), DOI 10.1007/s11270-015-2739-1.
- Yellick, A.H., D.L. Jacob, E.S. DeKeyser, C.L.M. Hargiss, L.M. Meyers, M. Ell, L.T. Kissoon, M.L. Otte. 2016. Multi-element Composition of Soils of Seasonal Wetlands across North Dakota, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment DOI 10.1007/s10661-015-5013-5.
- Fasching, S., J. Norland, T. DeSutter, E. DeKeyser, F. Casey, and C. Hargiss. 2015. The Use of Sediment Removal to Reduce Phosphorus Levels in Wetland Soils. Ecological Restoration 33(2): 131-134.
- Hargiss, C.L.M. and E.S. DeKeyser. 2014. The Challenges of Conducting Environmental Research on Privately Owned Land. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186(2): 979-985.
- DeKeyser, E.S., M. Biondini, D. Kirby, and C. Hargiss. 2009. Low prairie plant communities as a function of disturbance: Physical parameters. Ecological Indicators 9:396-306.
- Hargiss, C.L.M., E.S. DeKeyser, D.R. Kirby, and M.J. Ell. 2008. Regional assessment of wetland plant communities using the index of plant community integrity. Ecological Indicators 8: 303-307.
- Melaas, C.L., K.D. Zimmer, M.G. Butler, and M.A. Hanson. 2001. Effects of rotenone on aquatic invertebrate communities in prairie wetlands. Hydrobiologia 459: 177-186.
Professional Memberships
- National Science Teachers Association
- Society of Wetland Scientists
- North American Association of Environmental Educators
- ND Coalition for Conservation and Environmental Education
- ND State Envirothon Committee
- River Keepers